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+1 y

Will Christians ever widely acknowledge that Jesus of Nazareth was not born on December 25, or anywhere near this time of year?

Most Christians I know are fully aware and accepting that Jesus wasn't born in December. December 25th is just the day on which they celebrate the birth of Jesus. However, less of them are... Holidays

+1 y

Do you think Liberal media is promoting unhealthy choices like overweightness, drug use, promiscuity and cuckolding?

I think the issue is the level to which they make such claims. I have no problem with anyone doing any of these things (some are for me and some arent) but to promote them in a positive light is... Society & Politics

+1 y

If you celebrate Christmas and get a tree! Do you get an artificial tree or a real tree?

I don't get either but my parents get a real tree and since im spending Christmas with them, that's the type of tree Im around Holidays

+1 y

Christmas wish list?

An axe, for sacrificing Christians Holidays

+1 y

Gender *** INSANITY ***! Does America Really Want To Let These Liberal Wackos Make Us Follow The Europeans Down This Road To Hell?

Scotland... what are you doing to us! I go there tomorrow so I'm going to purposefully go into a coffee shop and ask for a gingerbread man Society & Politics

+1 y

What is your favorite holiday tradition?

Sacrificing a Christian to the Gods! Holidays

+1 y

Do you think Christmas has become too materialistic?

I mean its a commercial holiday now. Christmas season basically starts the day after Halloween. I can't speak for other people's families but mine has cut down gift buying a lot: both in terms of... Holidays

+1 y

What's your favorite part of the Christmas season?

On Christmas morning, my family and I (our dog as well) head out into our town. Our church holds a Christmas Day service and so we head down to that. Once we get there, we find a Christian who... Holidays

+1 y

Do celebrities have a social responsibility towards their audience?

No. Individual people are responsible for their own actions and their own actions only. That applies to both the celebrities and their followers alike. If people want to behave like sheep and... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is The British Flag Racist?

A flag is a flag. It only has as much meaning as people apply to it. Society & Politics

+1 y

Is It Offensive For The Irish Flag To Be Flown Outside An Irish County Hall?

I feel like if you go to another country, one of the things you should prepare yourself for is seeing their flag being displayed. If that's something that is going to offend you and cause you to... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why is promiscuity frowned upon?

Religion plays a major part in it. There is nothing immoral about being promiscuous provided it's consensual and you aren't knowingly spreading diseases. Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you think slut shaming is okay?

I think it's perfectly acceptable to shame certain behaviours and attitudes. Let me explain what I mean by that: I have nothing wrong with people being promiscuous. Provided everything is... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do women in South East Asia treat white men like their dick's are made of Gold or was that just my experience?

I'd agree with you. I went to Thailand and Cambodia a few years back and literally on my first day there I met two locals who wanted to sleep with me (for free and they weren't ladyboys, just to... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why Some people claim That there is coalition Between Islam and feminism and SJW And lgBT?

It's idiotic. Islam cannot walk hand in hand with feminism or the LGBT community. It's just a silly attempt to stand up to the big bad white man. Society & Politics

+1 y

Are you okay with burger flippers getting paid $15 an hour?

I'm all for it. I don't live in the US but shitty jobs like working in McDonalds is not fun and one of the biggest problems people face when they find themselves stuck in such a job is that its... Society & Politics

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