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1 y

Which one wins, the mind or the heart?

We like to think our minds have our back since we should know better by now. But no matter your age or past experiences, your heart will always try to ruin your plans and make a mess of everything. Relationships

1 y

Do you trust your other half and do you feel trusted by him/her?

It comes to a certain period in life that we can already accept that passion is fleeting and looks are just a nice distraction. For a relationship to last it needs to be built on friendship and... Relationships

1 y

I'm 25, and I've never fallen in love. Is this normal?

It's normal, of course. Timing is different for everyone. Relationships

1 y

Girls, when you go to social events, do you want to meet a guy (or girl) to date?

I'm always with my fiance so I am not looking for romance when I go out. Dating

1 y

Why Do Intelligent People Have A Hard Time Dating?

Because they don't settle for less than they deserve. Dating

+1 y

What's something you used to believe about relationships, but no longer do?

"If he's the one, things will always be easy" - but it's a constant work. Relationships

+1 y

I'm older, and I know society has changed. What is it that men, and/or women prefer when looking for a soulmate these days?

A real partner in life, no matter what happens. A safe haven, a real home. Relationships

+1 y

I used to trust my boyfriend but it was broken and now it's gone. Is there anything that can be done to fix this or is it over?

Trust is like glass. Once broken, even if you try hard to glue all the pieces together, it'll never be the same. Relationships

+1 y

Is she loosing interest or just busy?

There's the possibility she's busy, yes. But I'm not gonna lie and tell you what I think after reading your words. As you said, you both are dating other people but it seems you prioritized her... Dating

+1 y

What kind of people do you find attractive?

There's nothing more attractive than a man who makes me laugh. Relationships

+1 y

Girls be real honest: what does it mean when a girl aged 24 said she's never had a serious relationship?

It means she never found someone who gives her the value she deserves. Dating

+1 y

What do you think is the most romantic thing?

You don't need to worry about that. If your marriage ended, your ex wasn't the one for you -- however you've not failed since you learned many things and evolved. Being romantic is something that... Relationships

+1 y

Which do you prefer and why: modern dating or traditional dating?

I think modern dating has pros and cons. If both parts are really serious about each other, getting to know someone without the distraction of their looks can be very nice. Dating

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