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2 h

Why don't females prioritize good looks as much as men?

Because a lot of men who are more than cute can’t ground themselves like women can. Girl's Behavior

2 h

Why do women get so upset at being asked how many men they've slept with? Nobody is forcing you to sleep around?

Because they don’t think that it is anyone else’s business. Just like it’s not their business how many people you’ve slept around with. Girl's Behavior

1 d

Why are so many women saying they'd choose a Bear?

I’m sorry, I don’t understand? What does ‘bear;’ mean in slang? Girl's Behavior

1 d

Girls, Is she interested?

She sounds like she at least thinks you’re cute. Girl's Behavior

1 d

Does she still like me?

Talk to her about it. Girl's Behavior

11 d

Why is she using fake pages to talk to me?

Fake pages? Who’s this? If it’s on here, everyone uses fake aliases. Girl's Behavior

13 d

These days, what's the use of getting married?

Not all women. You’re jumping to conclusions. There’s no point in marriage unless you’re capable of compromise and meet someone you really get, who really gets you. Girl's Behavior

13 d

How do you handle a girl who accused you of stalking and then tries to get your attention?

I’m only hearing one side of the story. Yours. But assuming you’re in the right, then say nothing. Do nothing. Don’t talk about her with friends or anyone. Avoid her completely. Girl's Behavior

13 d

Confused why I'm considered "creepy"?

I’m only hearing one side of it. However, assuming you’re in the right, just ignore those people. Girl's Behavior

13 d

Accounts with girls name keeps spamming me, why?

Weird. Who’s spamming you and where? It’s probably a hacker. Girl's Behavior

13 d

Why do I hold on to men who don’t want me…?

Probably abandonment issues. I had the same problem. After some therapy with a psychologist, I’m okay now. Girl's Behavior

15 d

Worried the girl I’m dating thinks I’m a pushover?

No, I think she is just complimenting you and pointing out that it’s ok not to be a people pleaser. She likes you already. Girl's Behavior

15 d

Is it a massive red flag if a girl never wants to spend time in person but tells me she loves me?

I don’t know. Maybe she loves you, but is wise enough to understand that love isn’t always enough to make a relationship last? Girl's Behavior

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