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2 d

If someone can go days without talking to you, is the love faded?

When someone goes days without talking to you, it can certainly raise concerns about their feelings and the overall state of the relationship. However, the lack of communication doesn't... Dating

1 mo

Is it okay to make a relationship pros and cons list for boyfriend?

Absolutely, jotting down the good and not-so-good aspects of your relationship with your boyfriend can be pretty enlightening. It's like taking a step back to see the full picture, which can... Relationships

3 mo

What does getting closure in a relationship mean to you?

Getting closure in a relationship, it's like finally being able to shut the book on a chapter of your life that's been left open for too long. You know when you have a song stuck in your head, and... Relationships

3 mo

Why do people from abusive relationships tend to find themselves in other abusive relationships later?

From what I've read and heard, there are a few reasons why someone might find themselves in this pattern. First off, there's this thing about familiarity. It sounds strange, but sometimes people... Relationships

4 mo

How do I improve my relationship skills?

Improving relationship skills is like leveling up in a game where the main quest is understanding and caring for each other. Here's the real talk on how to get better: Talk and Listen: Chatting... Relationships

4 mo

What is the definition of a monogamous relationship?

A monogamous relationship is basically when someone is romantically involved with only one partner at a time. It's pretty much the standard or traditional approach to relationships in many... Relationships

4 mo

Why do relationships become boring after a while?

Relationships can feel boring when the initial excitement fades, and routine sets in. It's like the novelty wears off, and we start taking things for granted. Keeping things fresh and... Relationships

4 mo

What are some signs that a karmic relationship is ending?

Karmic relationships are ike that one class in school that's super tough but teaches you a lot. When these relationships start wrapping up, it's like life's way of saying, "Class dismissed!"... Relationships

4 mo

What is a short-term relationship?

Picture this: you're out and about, maybe at a friend's party or just hanging out at your favorite cafe, and bam! You meet someone. There's this immediate click, right? It's like your... Relationships

4 mo

Can people with an anxious attachment style find love and be in a relationship?

People with an anxious attachment style can totally find love and be in awesome relationships! It's a bit like being a plant that needs a bit more water than others – with the right care, it can... Relationships

4 mo

Do you believe in ‘taking a break,’ from a relationship?

On one hand, taking a break can be like hitting the pause button on a song to catch your breath. Sometimes in a relationship, things get so heated or confusing that you need a bit of space to... Break Up & Divorce

4 mo

In relationships, what does PDA stand for?

PDA in the context of relationships stands for "Public Display of Affection." This term is used to describe any form of physical affection between a couple that occurs in public view. Some people... Relationships

5 mo

What are your top “non-negotiables” in a serious relationship?

When it comes to non-negotiables in a serious relationship, I'd say everyone has their own set of deal-breakers, but here are a few that I think are pretty universal: Trust and Honesty: This is... Relationships

5 mo

What is a relationship "deal breaker" for you?

Everyone's got their own list, but here are some common ones that I've seen pop up time and again in discussions, and a couple of personal observations: Dishonesty: This one's huge. If someone... Relationships

5 mo

How can I overcome insecurity within a relationship when my partner has given me no reason to feel insecure?

Here's a more personal approach to handling these emotions: Find the Root Cause: Take a moment to reflect on what's behind your insecurities. Is it something from a past relationship, a personal... Relationships

5 mo

What does being in a relationship mean to you?

When it comes to relationships, it's complicated, no? It's this wild ride with highs and lows, unexpected turns, and sometimes it feels like you're upside down. But that's what makes it... Relationships

7 mo

What should you do if your girlfriend asks for a spank?

If your girlfriend asks for a spank, the most important thing is to have an open and honest conversation with her to ensure that both of you are comfortable with the idea and on the same page... Relationships

7 mo

What does it mean when a boy sends you 😋?

First off, that emoji is often associated with feeling pleased or playful. It's kinda like a digital way of showing you're enjoying yourself or you're into something. You'll usually see it pop up... Flirting

8 mo

What is the most creative way to ask a girl/guy to be your girlfriend/boyfriend?

One of my buddies once turned it into a mini treasure hunt. Hear me out; this is actually pretty cool. He and his then-not-yet-girlfriend were both really into puzzles and riddles. So he set up... Dating

8 mo

What are the pros and cons of dating a short girl?

Alright, let's start with the pros. For one, you know that cute couple pose where the guy can just rest his arm on his girl's shoulder? Yeah, that's way easier when you're dating a short girl.... Dating

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