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2 mo

With the density of transistors in a chip approaching it's limit, will that be the end of Moore's law?

There’s always with stuff like that, may have to come up with another way altogether to put so much into a small space but even nature did with DNA, look how much information that holds Technology & Internet

2 mo

Why is there a such a nasty stigma around a 22 year old man dating a 78 year old woman?

So basically dating grandma? At least she won’t get pregnant but he is just wasting his time unless he wants to learn a few things before she goes Valentine's Day

2 mo

How do you change your screen color?

That’s really strange, are you using dark mode on your phone or is this on the computer? It my be the my computer section on the desktop to change that if not in settings, sometimes I actually... Technology & Internet

2 mo

Do you believe that a couple of hundred cellphones can be seen from space?

If there was no other light source around for miles then yeah it probably could otherwise it would get drowned out by all the more powerful city lights Technology & Internet

3 mo

Is it okay for your boyfriend to not even say happy valentines day?

Even if his country doesn’t celebrate it, he’s not in his country anymore. He’s over here now and if he’s going to date someone that has that custom, then he should accommodate you. If he wants to... Valentine's Day

3 mo

Are you addicted to looking down?

I look at it when not moving, the moment I’m walking I stop if I’m going to look at it again, if driving i only look at it if I’m waiting at a light but constantly looking to see if it changed Technology & Internet

3 mo

Is this true or false, if a man gets his woman roses 🌹🌹for valentines day he is cheating on her?

Not that I know of, that doesn’t mean cheating, I never cheated and gave roses to her but she cheated on me still so it doesn’t matter, a cheater is a cheater no matter what they give Valentine's Day

3 mo

How do you feel about Singles Day?

I didn’t know there was such a day but I buy stuff for myself whenever I want, I’m not single by choice but seems to be how it usually is for me. I would like to be with someone again but so far... Valentine's Day

3 mo

In Your Own Opinion, What do You Think Will Happen Valentine's Day With Us?

Probably contact you both days , definitely Valentine’s Day Valentine's Day

3 mo

What well known invention was founded in Queens, Jamaica New York?

I’m going to guess that it was a mercury vapor bulb , although I’m not quite sure it was in Jamaica queens but it was in the 60s and in the USA Technology & Internet

3 mo

What Do You Think Was Invented First A Match Or A Lighter?

I think the matches otherwise why would would we need matches if the lighter was first? Although the concept of the lighter was sort of there when we used flint against steal with gunpowder as a... Technology & Internet

3 mo

GAG CONTEST: What Does Love Mean To You?

Caring and willing to do anything for that person, not being afraid to show how you feel. Supposedly it’s the same as eating a lot of chocolate but I’ve never noticed that Valentine's Day

3 mo

How many remember without checking wikipedia, why are the numbers of ip address until 255, not more, why?

No clue, I’m not good with computer science, only good with working on electrical problems and mechanical stuff Technology & Internet

3 mo

When someone gives you a like on here, do you get notified by an alert?

I still get alerts for likes but I don’t see emojis Technology & Internet

4 mo

Are your HOLIDAY DECORATIONS still up?

I took everything down after the New Year’s Holidays

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