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1 y

Would you feel proud of this man for destroying beer for going ‘woke’?

Why would I be proud of someone destroying someone else's property? If you don't like the direction a company is going in, simply don't buy their product and move on. Trending & News

1 y

Are you guys ready for Trump being indicted?

No, why be ready for something that's most likely not going to happen. He maybe indicted, but has as much chance of being convicted as Hillary does becoming president. As a independent, just going... Trending & News

1 y

Have you had any snow fall in your area recently?

Yes, but not a lot, maybe an inch or 2. Holidays

1 y

What is your favorite thing about the month of December?

As a kid December was the best month cause of Christmas, as an adult, the best thing about it is it's the end of another crappy year. Holidays

1 y

How does Santa get down all those chimneys in one night?

Haven't you noticed all those Santa's in malls and department stores? He along with the help of Elves delivers all the toys to them, and they make the final delivery. Holidays

1 y

If you a caught a voyeur looking in at your kids touching himself what would be your reaction?

Report him to the police, no children should be subjected to pedophiles no matter who the pedophile is. Trending & News

1 y

Do you think Kanye West compares easily to MLK jr?

He's a bit delusional. …………………………………..,-””¯””-, ……………………………….,~”……….\ ……………………………,~”…………,..\ ………………………,-“…………………. …………….…….,-“……………………/.. ………….………/……………………..’… ………………../…………………….……... Trending & News

1 y

Which of these things is the ‘America’ that YOU want?

This is a complex question, if both parties are at least 18(17 could be an exception if there is only a couple year age difference) I don't give a fuck if the woman is older, none of my business.... Trending & News

1 y

Do you ever feel bad about not ever using or even giving away a gift someone got you?

I usually use the gifts I receive and never give them away so no feeling bad. Holidays

1 y

What's a Christmas Movie you have Watched and Enjoyed Immensely?

Don't watch Christmas movies much, so don't have one. Holidays

1 y

Your thoughts on this photo?

Bad attempt at photoshop. Trending & News

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