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+1 y

Is It Offensive For The Irish Flag To Be Flown Outside An Irish County Hall?

i don't understand where you fly the flag if not outside your government buildings Society & Politics

+1 y

What does native American look like actually?

well they came from asia. but through hundreds of years of reproduction you are going to get varying looks. similar to why northern italians will often look drastically different than southern... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you like Ben Shapiro?

nah. does little for me Society & Politics

+1 y

Do You Support Feminism?

i support the ideology of feminism Society & Politics

+1 y

Why are butts attractive?

this doesn't seem to be a sports topic but oh well there are theories but nothing especially concrete one theory is that a butt (the top of the crack and all) can resemble cleavage when men... Sports

+1 y

Do you think MGTOW is a group for losers?

in america largely yes it seems to be a association for bitter people making excuses for dating frustrations there are places where it is rather legit like Japan where the movement started as... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why does everyone hate black women?

well everyone doesn't hate black women but yes there are those with racist notions of black people and black women specifically. they operate on opinions based on limited exposure or what... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is Adriana Lima really that beautiful as the media presents?

i personally do not find her as attractive as the world would seem to think she is. i find her facial bone structure a bit severe Society & Politics

+1 y

Do the Pro-Life people even recognized if you make abortion illegal; it does not stop women from having abortions and even creates more abortions?

i don't think they care about facts like that. you are right legal abortions and better counseling on the matter has led to a more than 50% reduction in abortions to the point that there are fewer... Society & Politics

+1 y

Are beautiful women living life on easy mode?

not necessarily things may be easier but things may also be harder. Society & Politics

+1 y

Man strangles and sexually assaults a woman, gets no jail time and doesn't have to register as a sex offender. Prosecutor calls it a "pass". Thoughts?

you are very right about how this is a prime example of why pressing charges or going public with abuse is still not occurring as much as it needs to be. getting a pass? what the actual fuck... Society & Politics

+1 y

“My culture is not your costume." Are these Halloween costumes cultural appropriation?

yes it is cultural appropriation doesn't mean it's wrong or offensive. cultural appropriation exists and occurs for sure but is not necessarily bad or wrong Society & Politics

+1 y

Why are people so obsessed with mixed babies/kids?

because people tend to think that mixed race babies are very attractive perhaps a bit strange why people find them so cute or whatever but it is what is. people seem to find mixed race babies... Society & Politics

+1 y

If it was legal everywhere for women to go topless like men do, would breasts still be seen as sexual?

in the long term perhaps not but yes they would still be sexualized for a rather substantial amount of time until it became common place i imagine young children would first be the ones to not... Society & Politics

+1 y

Scandinavian countries are examples of Social Democracies done right. Agree or Disagree?

for the most part i agree yes. they have found the right model and balance for a socialist democracy. particularly denmark Society & Politics

+1 y

If you saw Donald Trump eating ice cream would you start hating ice cream?

never made decisions about the food i ate due to others who ate it. i'm sure true evil people have eaten steak, ice cream, burgers, etc, etc. i'm going to eat it regardless Society & Politics

+1 y

Should men be allowed to enter Lesbian bar/nightclubs?

that's their choice. in philadelphia i don't know of any homosexual bar that doesn't allow straight people or straight men in it Society & Politics

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