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1 y

Would you stay with someone that cheated on you?

No, no way. Even if I'm in a poly relationship and they can sleep with other people, but hid a relationship from me, it's over. To me that suggests not just that you got cucked, but they're going... Relationships

1 y

Now that gas prices are dropping like a rock, what will be the top thing conservatives whine about?

"Gas prices dropping" while technically correct, they're still the highest they've been since the housing market collapse in 2008. So For July the numbers are lower than June, but still higher... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you believe that the human soul lives on after death?

Nope, I died once, and there was nothing, like I didn't even know it had happened until long after in the hospital. It hurts like all hell coming back. Anyway, it's something I'd like to believe,... Other

+1 y

Have you ever been in a state of Limerence?

I think another name for that would be puppy love. Sometimes when I'm dating a new girl I get a strong feeling like ahh, she's going to be the puzzle piece that fits, the girl that will be with me... Relationships

+1 y

Men, what do you find most attractive in women?

My type would be submissive women who are infatuated with me. It's not a very subtle thing, so finding my type is very easy, and moves very swiftly from there. Relationships

+1 y

What's the first thing you would do if you lock yourself out?

Get a wedge, get a metal rod, get back in. Works well for cars or houses. Other

+1 y

When I shoot with my pistol, the sound is very low, it's like an air gun, why?

Probably subsonic ammo, you should at least be getting a crack when the sound barrier is broken. Besides the sound, is the recoil noticeably lower than the last ammo you loaded it with? Some... Other

+1 y

Is anyone else worried about the economy?

Sell liquor, drugs, prostitutes, or gambling. I was having a rough time during the. com/housing market crash, then started doing PI work, one of the guys I worked with said I could make more at... Society & Politics

+1 y

Are any of you 'whisper refugees'?

I tried using it on the phone before, and it's like trying to get neutered bulls to go be studs after you've used it on PC. It isn't just having a keyboard either, so many features just weren't... Other

+1 y

Why are there so many men on here that are so vocal about being against gender equality?

I agree with having equality of opportunity, but men and women aren't equal. I can't get pregnant, you can't produce sperm. Lacking outside intervention or being an insignificant portion of the... Society & Politics

+1 y

How important is safety for you?

For myself, not so much, risks can be accompanied by reward, and condoms are a nuisance. For my family I'm very conscious of safety though, places I would go or work at alone, some of them I would... Other

+1 y

One day you find out that you have the ability to see others' health and that you can permanently heal one person per day, what would you do?

First build wealth by healing some moderately rich people who don't have access to enough liquid assets to hire private military to extradite me or anything. Get enough to have private military,... Other

+1 y

Are AR-15 Style Rifles "Weapons of War"?

The AK-47 sees much more use in that capacity, M-16's are truly going to be civilian weapons coming up as the military is changing infantry weapons completely away from 5.56 to 6.8 x 51 mm in the... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do guys always remember their first love?

Nope, I forget almost everything about the first woman I slept with. She just kind of took me, it was confusing as all hell, I was young, she was older, and that went on for a while, I only... Relationships

+1 y

Do you vote 😂?

I vote if there's a candidate worth voting for, like they have even one policy I agree with, and not a greater number I strongly disagree with. I voted for W, Obama, and Trump, they all had... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why isn’t the government creating more jobs in America 🤔?

In my view it's less of a problem that the government is creating jobs in America, or has a responsibility to, but is excluding jobs. The red tape in the US is no joke, I've worked federal, state,... Society & Politics

+1 y

Would you relinquish your military assault type weapon?

I forget where, but in the past I've lined safes with visqueen and buried them, trick is only put like 5 weapons in and about 2k rounds of ammo with desiccant. Laws pass, they're popular for a hot... Society & Politics

+1 y

Science proves people without guns don't shoot people. Why is this so hard for some people to grasp?

Let's see, mass shooting in Norway with a bow and arrow last year. Both are designed to penetrate a target and cause death by bleeding, arrows are far more efficient. You can shoot a deer with a... Society & Politics

+1 y

If a guy really loves you will he commit regardless of being ready or not?

If the girl really loves the guy would she pressure him to? It's definitely something to talk about if you're in that place and feel like your relationship needs more definition, boundaries,... Relationships

+1 y

Is it possible to be a pro gun-pro choice, republican?

Sure, though libertarian might be more accurate, generally Republicans do gobble up that block. You won't get "kicked out" of the Republican party for disagreeing with some of its viewpoints, even... Other

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