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11 mo

Is anyone else here tired of hearing about alleged sightings of UFO's/aliens?

It's a red herring. All the news stories came out exactly the same in 2015, some came out when wikileaks first opened, when a government has messed up, or their mistake is going to be exposed they... Society & Politics

11 mo

How do you feel about dedicated locations for addicts?

I think it could work in other countries, but the ravenous demand for drugs is simply insatiable in the US. Drug addiction spreads like a meme here, and the idea of quitting for most people is... Society & Politics

11 mo

Tell me again how American Whites aren’t stupid and why they should keep their citizenship?

Would you dare to say the same thing to blacks, hispanics, Asians, and native americans who voted for Trump? You're spouting the poll numbers, but completely forgetting that in the racial make-up,... Society & Politics

11 mo

Why do I hear about trans people and gender affirming care on social media all the time?

There are a couple reasons for that, right now would be because it's pride month. Another would be ESG scores tied to totalitarian policies, with previous ones failing, so this one needs to be... Society & Politics

11 mo

Guys, do you remember special days in your relationship like anniversaries? Do you like celebrating it? Why/why not?

I have a terrible memory, like I forgot about father's day until today. I just remember the birthdays and forget about the rest unless someone calls to remind me. I do enjoy celebrating with... Relationships

11 mo

How do I stop being insecure and comparing myself to others?

You don't, that's very human. Unless you're pursuing some zhen philosophy to be in a constant state of Sartori or something. You will always want to make yourself better, and your benchmark... Other

11 mo

What do you think about "assumed consent" in relationships?

Holy hell, that something like this can seriously be asked is why I've been seriously considering emigrating pretty much anywhere that is not the West for a couple years now. For my daughters too,... Relationships

11 mo

How do you feel about big age gaps within relationships?

Personally I couldn't go for a woman more than a decade younger than me. I still find women younger than 27 attractive. In my mind sex is about making babies, and getting with a woman is typically... Relationships

11 mo

Why are people so protective of Trump but they don't mind talking trash about Hillary Clinton?

The two are absolutely related. There would only be a minority supporting Trump right now if Hilary had been indicted as well as Biden for the same offenses. I think charging and arresting Trump... Society & Politics

11 mo

Have you found yourself completely changing your political viewpoints and stances compared to where you were 5 (or more) years ago?

I've pretty much always been libertarian. The only big shift that I had was being pro-war after 9/11, then being very much anti-war after having to go to the Naval hospital a few times and seeing... Society & Politics

11 mo

Conservatives always lose in the end, right?

I think true or false is too narrow of a view to look through. It swings like a pendulum, with some deviations. The green party, Trump, and libertarians are good examples of deviations from the... Society & Politics

11 mo

Do bad habits really never die?

I think the desire to do some of them never goes away. Like no matter how much time goes by, 1 is too many, 1000 isn't enough won't change for me. For other ones that change over time to not give... Other

11 mo

Why doesn't society do more to combat misandry?

Well what are you talking about, exclusion from a career or personal problems like dating or something? You could call being excluded from employment because of DEI initiatives misandry. Sexual... Society & Politics

11 mo

Americans ONLY: Why are liberals terrified of private schools replacing public schools?

We have that with magnet schools down here. The public schools in the cities here got so bad that parents just stopped sending their kids. They're kind of at the public/private intersection, but... Society & Politics

11 mo

White History month as a fair way of acknowledging White Culture & contributions to civilisation as a thank you from POC. Agree?

I say no. We have the entire year, if someone wants a month, in my mind it's winning a battle to lose a war. 1/12 is much less than 13% also a far cry from the dream described by MLK. Really it's... Society & Politics

11 mo

Would you date/marry someone of a nationality or "race", that your parent (s) disapprove of?

More often then not when parents disapprove it pushes you more towards someone else. My parents hated my ex-wife, not because of race but because she was toxic as hell. It was the catalyst to us... Relationships

11 mo

Is stupidity contagious?

Most definitely, it has been in the past, and is more so now with algorithms pasting any holes in your echo chamber. To me stupidity is the inability to accept new data, ignorance is when you... Society & Politics

11 mo

How do drag shows harm kids, as Republicans allege?

I don't think a drag show can harm a kid, it's that they are diametrically opposed to christian ideology. The vast majority there did not care about drag shows, pride month, or how others wanted... Society & Politics

11 mo

So many people are single nowadays, aren't you lonely?

Not at all, I'm not single, I'm happily married. I'm very happy with my wife and family. It could be in part because of what you mentioned, though more likely because there's less pressure to bind... Relationships

11 mo

How can you keep the spark alive in a long-term relationship?

Oh, you said long term in the question, then long distance in your answers. Those are two completely different issues. In LTR you just work together, maybe it's hobbies, trying out new things in... Relationships

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