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10 years of bliss

10 years of bliss

“I don’t need no man telling me what to do”. - Woman

”I don’t want a woman taking my stuff in a divorce.” -Man

I see this, and other variants posted here constantly. If I had been on a site like this when I met my now husband, I would have been frightened (even more than I was) when we first met. I certainly would have been very scared of marrying him! Here is what I have learned in my almost 10 years of being married to the man of my dreams.

I absolutely love being married! Learning “how to be a good wife” is a daily effort, just like my husband works at being a good husband. It’s called mutual love, and respect for the person that we promised in front of our family, friends, and God. I do not compete with my husband for “who’s the boss”. In a lot of areas, that’s his job because he is the man. In other ways, I am “the boss” because those are my strength areas. Does that make me “submissive”? Partially, and in certain instances. Just as he accepts me taking “the lead” in OTHER instances. Husband and Wife are a team, one complimenting the other. We walk side by side, neither “above” the other. One partner should never dominate the other partner. That’s not exactly what I call marriage. For marriage to work, both man and woman have to communicate, and love unconditionally, faults and all. When we got married in August of 2012, I was in way better shape financially than my husband was, since he was just getting out of a military hospital from yet another surgery. Did I think “He’s going to take my stuff”? Nope. I thought “How can we get through his recovery to start our lives together”. I never once thought that he was going to take advantage of me. Before getting married, there is this whole trust thing that you have to be certain about. Without trust, why would anyone want to get married?? I guess I’m babbling, but the bottom line is this:

I love my husband

I love being his wife

And even on days when we have disagreements, we still love, trust, and respect each other as equally important.

If I can offer any advice to anyone it is simply this: If you don’t think you can trust the other person, do not marry him/her!

10 years of bliss
28 Opinion