Do you personally feel the parents should be asked for their blessing before proposing/proposed to?

I personally could care less. My dad’s always tried to be apart of my life and i didn't really care to have him in it. But last time i saw him, he said that my boyfriend at the time HAD BETTER come ask his permission before proposing. Like lmao dude you have some nerve trying to speak on my relationship with someone else when we dont have one of our own 🤣 I asked my mom if she cared and she was like “thats just holding up the process and gonna build pressure. You’re good. Go ahead. Let the boy do his thang.” 🤷‍♀️
#FeelFreeToList #PermissionToPropose
Do you personally feel the parents should be asked for their blessing before proposing/proposed to?
I want my partner to ask at least one of my parents before he proposes
I want to ask at least one of the parents before i propose to them
I hope no one ever proposes because i dont want to marry
I dont feel a parents blessing is necessary for me to propose to them
I dont feel a parents blessing is necessary for them to propose to me
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Do you personally feel the parents should be asked for their blessing before proposing/proposed to?
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