Why would you want your parents approval of YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP?

Why would you want your parents approval of YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP?

Yeah, the question is pretty much in the title.
Why would you want your parents approval for your personal relationship?
And why do you want to meet your partners parents so badly?

If you ask me, I don't need approvals of anybody because:

1. I'm an adult and I can do what I want (so long I'm not a criminal haha).
2. I moved out of my parents and I live alone. My parents are far away but reachable by car.
3. Relationships are really just too personal (and to some degree private)
4. I don't like the idea of meeting parents (considering the parents are abnormal parents)
5. Like I said, why would I need approval of SOMEBODY ELSE for MY PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP?
6. Really, do they have to know?

What I also don't understand and probably won't is how girls want to meet their boyfriends parents so badly and think, that if he won't introduce her to his parents or tell his parents about his relationship, that it's like a warning sign for trouble.
Like come on, seriously?
i cannot think for myself. Baaah! Baaah!🐑
I am my parents little puppet🐕
my parents opinion matter to me a lot🦆
I don't know! I just want their approval🐟
I agree. It's ridiculous. Relationships are personal things🦄
Whether they approve or not is not a deciding factor for me but I just want my parents to know🦂
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Why would you want your parents approval of YOUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP?
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