Best Jewelry Pieces To Give As Gifts This Holiday Season

These are almost universally acknowledged as being beautiful (of course, modify this myTake to suite whomever you're buying that piece of jewelry for).

Consider how much money you're able to spend, how much time you're willing to spend looking for the perfect piece, how well you know the person you're buying this for > Are they more into earrings than bracelets? Have you ever seen them wearing necklaces? Do they like silver-toned jewelry, or maybe rose gold or regular yellow gold?

Be a Sherlock and find out these details because they will be the deciding factors in the end result - will they or will they not like what you bought them?

A Locket

This one is my favorite because it can be personalized with a picture of your choice and it is truly a timeless piece of jewelry. Choose more intricate detailing or a simpler design.

Best Jewelry Pieces To Give As Gifts This Holiday Season

A Necklace

The style and type of metal depends on the person you're buying it for. A rose gold necklace seems so entrancing to me, though.

Best Jewelry Pieces To Give As Gifts This Holiday Season

A Pair of Earrings

Artisan, tribal, fine, on the cheaper side, on the more expensive side - it's all up to you. Studs for a more demure person, dangly earrings for a stronger character > or maybe not? xD You know them best. ;)

Best Jewelry Pieces To Give As Gifts This Holiday Season

Pearl ...anything...

Mind you - this one - as all the others - really depends on the person you're buying this gift to. If they don't like pearls, buy them something else.

Best Jewelry Pieces To Give As Gifts This Holiday Season


Know your target > if they prefer a bracelet over earrings, don't buy them earrings. xD A fairly reasonable move, right? =)

Best Jewelry Pieces To Give As Gifts This Holiday Season
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