Double Standards

1) A woman will drop hints shy of telling a man she likes him yet a man can show his affection and be expected to say "I love you".

2) If you buy your woman a gift, you're after something or you screwed up. If you don't buy her a gift, you are not thoughtful.

3) If you ask her to do something she doesn't enjoy, that's domination. If she asks you to do something you don't enjoy, that's considered a favor.

4) If you want it too often, you are a sexaholic. If you don't want it often, you must be gay.

5) When a couple breaks up, the woman is considered the victim and the guy is a jerk.

6) A couple both working, getting paid the same. The guy is expected to pay for dinner. Even if she asked him out (rarely happens), he is still expected to pay.

7) If a guy cheats it is because he let his manhood get the best of him. If a woman cheats, she must have been neglected.

8) The perception is that men cheat and women have more self-control. This is usually brought up in the case of close friends of the opposite sex.

9) Men who flirt want to get into a girl’s pants while women flirting were just being friendly.

10) Interrogating questions. Men who ask women questions about their day are digging for dirt while women are just ‘concerned’.

11) Men can be glorified for sleeping with many partners but woman are considered a slut.

12) Men who defend a woman’s honor are considered chivalrous. A woman who stand up for themselves or protect their position with a man (bitch out the girl who’s flirting with her man) is considered aggressive or catty.

13) Failure to launch. A man who can’t climax in bed must have some sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction for example). A woman who can’t climax is blamed on the guy for not being a better lover.

14) If you mention how nice she looks, it’s sexual harassment. If you keep quiet, it’s male indifference.

15) If a man shows his emotions and cries, he is a wimp. If he never shows his emotions, he is insensitive.

16) A father would let his son date at an early age but doesn't allow his daughter to date until much older.

17) Why do girls have an earlier curfew than boys?

18) Mothers are considered better parents when determining custody cases (this is slowly changing).

19) A man goes into the hospital for chest pains he is given proper tests to determine if he suffered a heart attack or stroke. A woman goes into the hospital with the same conditions, the doctors release her and dismiss her symptoms.

20) A man who wants a woman to shave is sexist. A man who doesn’t care either way is unromantic.

21) If a man works too hard, then he never has time for her. If a man doesn’t work enough, then he’s just a bum.

22) Women wanted to be included in the military but do not have to register for the draft.

23) A woman beating up a man or cutting off his member is considered amusing.

24) Accusations of rape will follow a man throughout his life even if she admits she lied about the charges.

25) A female teacher sleeps with a young boy and gets probation. A male teacher sleeps with a young girl and gets 20 years.

26) A woman who saves herself for marriage is considered honorable. A man who saves himself for marriage is considered a loser.

27) A woman kissing a woman is socially acceptable. A man kissing a man is not.

28) There are plenty of words that degrade women and only some that degrade men (those are usually female terms like girl, woman, etc.)

29) A woman can murder and get away because hormones (due to her period). A man cannot get away with rape due to hormones (that works to convict him as motive).

30) Two open jobs with a man and woman in the lobby, a secretary and a manager position. The woman is assumed to be the secretary and the man the manager.

31) A gentleman’s club is sexist. A lady’s club is liberating.

32) Women get upset when she gives a guy her phone number and he doesn’t call. A man who gives his phone number to a woman rarely ever gets a call back.

33) Women complain when the seat is not down yet men don’t find it difficult to put the seat up (hopefully they do that at least) when they pee.

34) A girl tells a guy that her friend wants to meet him and he’s happy. A boy tells a girl that his friend wants to meet her and she’s not happy.

35) A man walks down the street with his chin up and is considered confident. A woman does the same and is considered high maintenance or snooty.

36) Women dress in a low cut blouse to show off their chest yet complain when guys notice the girls.

37) A woman gets promoted before a man is equal opportunity but if he gets promoted before a woman, it’s favoritism.

38) A man that masturbates too much has a problem. A woman that masturbates too much just needs a man.

39) Women who use their charm are considered opportunists. Men who use their charm are considered players.
Double Standards
Post Opinion