(YES) Absofuckinglutely!
(NO) Oh Hell NO!
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Sure, but I have a feeling this isn't done to probably compensate for those who already do unauthorized 5-finger discounts!
I use self-checkout, since dealing with checkout-personnel can get awkward. (No offense to them, who are just doing their job. I'm just highly awkward.) But, I don't expect it. It's due to shoplifters that extra security counter-measures (which aren't free) are implemented, and price-adjustments are made to take into account suspiciously-missing stock. If things haven't changed much from university Business Processes classes back before 2014, U. S. groceries are competing for about 3% profit-margin (as an industry-average, since no-one wants to spend more for food than they have to). Based on this 2022 source, the 3%-max still seems true, even today!
I mean I see the point you're making. But they're doing it so they don't have to pay someone to ring you up. It also takes away the complaints of "he or she overcharged me (unless something is just marked wrong). They can one person watched multiple registers (you know, just to keep you honest).
So giving you a discount would negate half the reason for having a self checkout (for them anyway).
I've never thought about this but it sounds like a good idea! By doing this customers help workers, so we should be compensated in some way.
Like some stores give you a little discount if you bring your own shopping bags & I think they should give you a little discount for ringing yourself up.
Sure, great idea. They’re saving the cost of paying an employee.
Exactly Flower & I think these jokers should pay you because technically you are working for them.
They probably already do. It reduces their costs so there is not as much pressure to raise prices. Grocery stores operate on a very thin profit margin. They have one of the lowest profits margins of any type of business. So any increase or decrease in their costs will get reflected in their prices.
I remember in an economics class 40 years ago that the margin was only about 2%. I just looked it up and it is still pretty close to that.
This is actually true for most businesses. They'll cut costs wherever they can to reduce the price to the consumer. If they don't do that, the competition will and undercut them and take their market share.
The way it stands, we've got the self-checkouts, which are faster and smoother, and the manned checkouts, which is where people go when they have WAY too many items, or want to use a wad of coupons thicker than my thumbs. Making the former cheaper is just going to push more people to it and slow things down.
Don't give a discount for self checkout, just cut prices overall if the store can. by the way, it's been shown that the store doesn't save much, if anything, with self checkout. It's done primarily because it's hard for the store to get and keep workers. Self checkout equipment is expensive to buy and maintain, there's a loss due to theft (some not checking out all their items) and you still need at least one worker to monitor it.
You do. The saving is less staff is why the stuff is cheaper as well.
You're not daft enough to think you're paying full price while they have a full team of cashiers, do you?
Cashiers or no cashiers we still pay the same price & the sick thing is that the companies pocket the money on the savings.
I not sure they can afford to do that and it would unbalance the line ups if they did cause 98% of people would use self check out if that happened and many do not know how to operate them.
Unfortunately the Walmart where i live only ever has a single real person checking out, the rest are self check out.. They already dont pay people to do it.. Its sad i VASTLY prefer to work with a real person. Thank god the dillons (kroger) where i live, the self checkouts get used rarely.
This is interesting. On how things are going now, yes.
It grinds my gears when I go to a grocery store & my shopping cart is full & they have ten checkout lanes & only two of them are open & the lines are insane. On the other hand when I have a few items I go to the self checkout & all I say is I think they should pay you for ringing up your own shit. Self checkouts are nice however there isn’t enough room.
Exactly, ring me up bitch! One place I went all the checkout counters were closes & you had to use self checkouts, I left a whole shopping cart by the register & walked out.
Apparently, this guy thought so lololhttps://www. wsmv. com/2022/06/24/man-commits-fraud-kroger-self-checkout-kiosk/
I love the self check out. I am always out quickly. I don't have to deal with attitude or someone giving back the wrong change. a lot of people don't use it so I don't have to on a line. It's awesome.
You don't deserve a discount. If it allows them to make more profit, competition will drive down the price.
No you can always wait in the slow line with the person.
The discount is your speed and ability. And not having to interact with humans
Yes, the store is saving money by firing all the checkout clerks.
No. Go to the sales person and get rung up. Save our jobs.
99% of the time I go directly to a counter where there is a person & avoid self checkout counters because we all know no one cleans those things. On the other hand sometimes self checkouts are the only thing open or they have two out of ten registers open.
If customers refused to use self checkout then our bosses would be forced to give us more hours and hire more people. Not saying i expect people to do that, and people especially in cities like NYC where i am are gonna be on a time restrainy but jus saying thats what i think would happeb
I had a full shopping cart & the other thing open was a small self checkout, I left the shopping cart by the register & walked out.
Oh no why?
i would say at least 50% off. My time is valuable, the 20 minutes i spend checking my self out, if i billed the store for that at my job's hourly rate, it would cost the store nearly 100 dollars.
No but stores should give a portion of the profit to food banks,,,
Why does technology scare blue collar workers? Oh, because manual labor is all they have.
That’s actually a really good idea, haha.
I won't use a self check out.
I'll take free gum...
No. Half the zombies that go through self checkout take 10 minutes to check out 20 items
No, no one is forcing me to shop there.
Well said bro & guess what some stores want to charge you extra to use a self checkout.
Yeah they should
That and a automation tax
Yes, I do.
(NO) Oh Hell NO!
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