Amanda Stenberg, the only person who is racist is yourself

Amanda Stenberg, the only person who is racist is yourself

A person who goes out of their way to belittle another woman who is of a different race (Kylie Jenner) because she is wearing her hair a black woman would streotypically wear it, is racist. And these are the reasons I believe so:

1) Isolation; not allowing others to embrace the African American culture (the women)

2) Not allowing or accepting women of other races to appreciate the 'black culture'

3) Profilling and then uploading a so called statisic about how you think black women are seen as brutal by other races and not beautiful. Just because someone doesn't find you (generalisation) particularly attractive, doesn't mean they are being a racist.

4) Race card

Be happy and see it as a beautiful thing that other people are embracing different cultures. To be honest, Kylie probably didn't think too much of it and just thought that the hairstyle looked cool, this is your problem, you think far too deeply that is unnessicary. No one is stealing the culture and claiming that they are black, and to be honest the women in Africa (if they knew this was even a topic) would think you are having a laugh Amanda. I used to live in Africa for 3 years, and this type of behaviour is only of African American young internet obsessers who believe they have the platform to say whatever they like and use it as a race issue. Keep your shallow and take your correspondingly small thoughts elsewhere, because if Caucasian women/other women of other races were to catch you out about how I'm sure you live your life, it would be a different story.

If you want racism to stop, stop blaming others and stealing other peoples happiness for your own immature insecurites and it's obvious.

Amanda Stenberg, the only person who is racist is yourself
Post Opinion