Men, What Is The Way To Your Heart?


Men, What Is The Way To Your Heart?

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

This is a very popular quote, which is in favor of women who can cook a delicious meal for the man of her choice. The dedication behind the woman shopping for food, putting together the ingredients, preparing it, and making sure it comes out great, is enough for any man to feel important.
When the man tastes the food, and it is as great as he predicted,
the woman has opened up a key to his soul!

The man has no complains.

He is satisfied and contented.

"Look at all of the trouble this woman went to make sure that I am enjoying myself.", a man may say to himself. This act of thoughtfulness goes greatly appreciated!
This woman is showing she knows how to take care of her guy by fulfilling one of our many required desires for survival, "food".

Men, What Is The Way To Your Heart?

Some people may mis-interpret this quote and say, "If I can't cook then is this quote implying that I'll never have a guy that will fall in love with me?"

In my opinion, this quote shouldn't be taken so literally.

I think the deeper message that lies in the above quote is that,

If you take the time and dedication for the man of your selection, to do something you know he will enjoy or you perform an act that is thoughtful, it will really go a long way!
It may just be the push that your relationship needs to steer in the right direction.

It doesn't necessarily have to be cooking,

It could be listening to him.
It could be accompanying him to his favorite event.

It could be showing your support to something that means a lot to him.

It could be anything!

As long as you show that you care, it is the direct way to a man's heart.

I think "food" is just one of the many ways to get there.

Men, What Is The Way To Your Heart?

Men, What Is The Way To Your Heart?

Men, what is the way to your heart?

Men, What Is The Way To Your Heart?
103 Opinion