Reveal Your Phobia!


Reveal Your Phobia!

We all have fears!
Some more bizarre than others such as the phobia of peanut butter sticking to the root of your mouth πŸ˜†
I'll leave those out of my list or ill be here all day 😬
But here are some common phobias , in which you can find out what you are really afraid of !

W A R N I N G: May cause discomfort 🐍

Does this image make you feel uneasy?

Reveal Your Phobia!
If so, you may have Megalaphobia. Which is the fear of large things. This fear can extend to malls, sports arenas, planes , boats and even wide open spaces.

Does this image terrify you?

Reveal Your Phobia!

If yes, then you suffer from Coulrophobia- The fear of CLOWNS or anything that looks like a clown.

Can't stand the sight of this?

Reveal Your Phobia!

If not, you are an Arachnophobic, having Arachnophobia - Abnormal fear of spiders or scorpions.

Feeling dizzy/frightened just by looking at this?

Reveal Your Phobia!
Then you have Acrophobia.(The word sounds very similar to Arachnophobia.) This is having an irrational fear of heights. Which could mean just standing on a chair or a ladder,

Does this image give you nightmares?

Reveal Your Phobia!

The fear of dolls is called Pediophobia.

Does this make you feel panicky?

Reveal Your Phobia!

You may have Aquaphobia, which is the persistent fear of water or drowning. This can even include a river or bath tubs.

Does this make you want to scream?

Reveal Your Phobia!

This phobia is quite common, Claustrophia- The fear of tight, close spaces.

Does this scare the living daylights out of you?

Reveal Your Phobia!

Then you might have trypanophobia, the fear of needles and injections

Does this make your skin crawl?

Reveal Your Phobia!
Then call it Trypophobia, -The fear of holes ..which is also very common.

Is this your hell?

Reveal Your Phobia!
If this gives you the jitters than you may have Nyctophobia- which is the fear of darkness.

Feeling shivers down your spine?

Reveal Your Phobia!

The fear of snakes is Ophidiophobia !

That is all from me😬😬✌🏽

Reveal Your Phobia!
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