The Shadow People: Who Are They, and Are They Even Real?

The Shadow people: Who are they, and are they even real?

Out of all the stories that are passed on about things that go bump in the night, none of them seem to be more prevalent than shadow people. There are tales that stretch back centuries ago, and many cultures globally have some sort of story dealing with them. So what really is a shadow person, and are they even real?

What even is a "Shadow person"?

The Shadow People: Who Are They, and Are They Even Real?
Shadow people are exactly what they sound like, non-human entities that take on human form as a dark shadow. They are one of the most common types of paranormal encounters, and reports of them go back for centuries.

There are many theories to what shadow people are. Some believe that they are the embodiment of a deceased person's spirit that has yet to move on to the afterlife. Others believe that they are entities from a different dimension, such as demons, angels, Jinn (Islam), or other creatures we do not fully understand. Still others believe they might be humans time travelling or having an out of body experience.

Many believe that shadow people are harmless, mainly because they seem to ignore human beings and disappear on sight. However, there are reports of them having malevolent intentions.

Shadow people are believed to be massless and non-physical, but on rare occasions they can be seen moving physical objects. They seem to possess the ability to walk through walls and move at lightning fast speeds.

The Shadow People: Who Are They, and Are They Even Real?

Shadow people most often are sighted out of the corners of one's eye (peripheral vision), and many of us have had instances where we saw something move nearby but when we looked there was nothing there. These types of encounters are very common.

Other encounters typically take place in dark environments, usually during one's sleep. A good portion of shadow people reports occur when someone wakes up suddenly and sees a shadow figure by their bed or in the corner of the room. Usually these people are paralyzed and are in total shock & fear, which is why shadow people are very connected to sleep paralysis.

The Shadow People: Who Are They, and Are They Even Real?
Scientific explanations of shadow people are that they are mostly illusions or hallucinations brought on by many different factors. Some might be due to our mind/vision playing tricks on us, some might be due to side effects of medications, drugs, or certain physiological circumstances. For sleep paralysis, the effect of a sudden state of awakeness and the fear of not being able to move have caused a sleepy and confused brain to picture a human figure in the darkness.

Examples of Shadow people, real or fake, you decide.

A common shadow person experience is that of "Hat man". He is a solid shadow seen wearing a hat. Most of those who encounter him say he is a neutral observer, who is aware of the person watching him and tends to just stare until he disappears. He has been described as as having violent intentions, however. Here is an artist's interpretation:

The Shadow People: Who Are They, and Are They Even Real?

There is also the haunting of the Moundsville Shadow Man

One common clip shared around the internet is the headless shadow ghost that appears in an Iraqi (or possibly Afghanistani) school. The shadow man appears about 2 minutes into the video, while a group of boys are exploring around the school. At the same time the shadow man appears a nearby mosque gives off a deep moan that symbolizes a call to prayer. The boys do not appear to notice the shadow person and continue on.

Yet more examples of a shadow person hiding in plain sight. Just so some of you know, I have edited the contrast and brightness setting of some of the photos in this article and given a few white circles so that they are more visible.

The Shadow People: Who Are They, and Are They Even Real?
The Shadow People: Who Are They, and Are They Even Real?

So what is your opinion on this phenomena? Are shadow people just a figment of the imagination, or something real? Maybe a little of both? Are they really just spirits or entities from the great beyond?

Thank you for reading. If you have any future suggestions for what paranormal beings I should write about next, please comment below.

The Shadow People: Who Are They, and Are They Even Real?
8 Opinion