QOTW Answered: Does Time Heal All Wounds?

QOTW Answered: Does Time Heal All Wounds?

This is the first QOTW, so from now on every Thursday will be a new QOTW and every Friday will be an article on that question.

Yesterday, I asked if you believed time heals all wounds. I will give my personal opinion at the end. Here's what your fellow GAGers have said.

About 2x more men answered than women which is surprising, but I certainly got some very interesting answers. I hope this allows a more open mindset or at least provides a look into others brains. Please be nice and I hope you enjoy.

(Some opinions were fixed grammatically/shortened due to length)

@Yumix : All wounds? No. BUT it helps and make it better, it really depends on the type of wound. If your child got murderer, you’ll probably never get fully over that. But you can learn to accept it and continue living a life. The more time passes the easier it becomes.

@Chief16 : Some people keep throwing themselves at the fire and wonder why they get burnt.
Your wounds will heal if you let it, and that depends on how mentally tough you are.

@Doffydood : I’ve got mixed feelings on this one…That counts for everything someone could do to you. I also think that it might not be the time that heals the wound but the little amiable acts included then, assuming the person isn’t trying to be a dick to you.

@aficionado : I believe that time reduces the intensity of the wounds, but never completely heals them.

@AleDeEurope : Only if the person is willing to heal.

@sawno : Totally and luckily for me that time is quite quickly…Time heals everything in general but some scars remain and will hurt even after the initial pain has been washed away.

@Walrus_au : Oversimplified bullshit.

@capturemyheartnow : Time is the greatest healer, but it doesn’t heal everything. Some things that cannot be healed should be accepted as reality and effort should be made to move past it.

@CyberToothTiger : I believe within due time all wounds heal.

@MyExperience : Time does heal all wounds…but there will always be scars and the scars remind you the past was real.

@Guy_No1 : Time doesn’t heal wounds, you just grow stronger and the load becomes easier to bare but the pain isn’t any less.

A smartass by the name of @_HimigNgKalayaan_ : Well yeah. It takes time for the blood to clot and the body to heal the wound.

QOTW Answered: Does Time Heal All Wounds?

@ChocoLada : I hope it does…I’m not so sure according to my experience.

@RainbowFanGirl : Nope, absolutely not. You can forget but if that experience is traumatizing you may never fully heal.

@Karahiri : I suppose time can heal a wound, like a scab over a cut. But over time scar tissue may form and it just becomes a part of you…Damage provides the opportunity for creation and growth. It’s a neutral thing, as roses can grow as easily as cancer.

(I really like hers! ^^^)

@Sosha : Yea, the more you focus on happiness the more you will forget.

@HOAAH : No I don’t, I believe wisdom heals all wounds you just have to search for it as if for your very own life, your entire life depends on it.

@SugarPlumm30 : No not all, sometimes time enables the wound to grow deeper. It may leave the victim to obsess over it.

@writing_essays : I think that depends on your relationship with God and on how positive and open you are.

An anonymous said “Yes it does but I am not saying the memories will fade though.”

@Kgbmafia : Wounds heal with time yes, the mental ones leave scars that constantly reopen though.

So, there are at least 20 other GAGers opinions on the question asked. Just like a guy said above, I believe time may only heal a mental wound if they wish to heal.

If you leave a broken heart on a floor, leave for a year and come back, it’ll still be broken on the floor. You must put your effort into it. But to me all mental wounds will not heal, (or physical, depending). Scars will be left behind but this is what shapes us.

I hope you enjoyed this, please like this mytake if you want more! Thank you <3

QOTW Answered: Does Time Heal All Wounds?

QOTW Answered: Does Time Heal All Wounds?
Post Opinion