Creeepy Sleeping Experience: Was it Near Death?

It was like 3-4 years ago. I was practicing lucid dreaming at that time. Actually I was having lucid dreams, but it wasn't under my control. I mean I was having them randomly. I was keeping a dream diary and doing many other things to control it. I mean to have it whenever I want to. My mind was also so busy at that time because I was waking up a lot as a part of this practice.

Creeepy Sleeping Experience: Was it Near Death?

One day, I was trying to fall asleep. Lots of time passed but I was still awake in the bed. And suddenly I felt something. I felt an energy covering my body from head to toe. A kind of vibration turning around my body. There was a sound pressing to my ears that is difficult to explain. I wasn't able to move my body nor open my eyes.That vibration was getting more and more intense, also the sound. My heart was beating really fast and I was sweating. That was my first time feeling so. What was that? Astral travel? No, I don't want to! But these signs were so similar to it. I was so scared because of the idea of astral travelling. Or was it something else? Was I dying? I was too young for that!

Creeepy Sleeping Experience: Was it Near Death?

While thinking these kind of things the sound in my ears was increasing. And all of a sudden, I felt something coming from my body. As if somebody was pulling something inside of my body. Was it my soul? It was such an intense feeling...

That was the last thing that I remember...

After that time I stopped doing practice for lucid dreaming. But I kept having many more lucid dreams.

I wonder if death also feels like that or not? And also wonder if there are people who had similar experience with me. Comment below if you had similar things!

Creeepy Sleeping Experience: Was it Near Death?
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