The Most Common Question We Ask: Why Me?

Have you ever had all the bad things in your life at the same time? Like these things made you really get down. You just got stuck in these problems... I will tell you about some thing that you should remember at these times.

When you are in trouble, pain or stressed, you talk to yourself and ask "Why me?".

Why these things always find me?

Instead of thinking so, you should learn to look at the problems from a different perspective. Actually there are some positive things that these bad things bring to our lives. They teach us a lesson. Yes this pain teaches us something good. We become more mature in life. Coming over the bad things in life may provide us a different perspective.

Nothing is permenant

The Most Common Question We Ask: Why Me?

But some people think like these problems will never be over. But nothing is permenant just like the good things in our lives. Things come and pass. That's why, you should just think that it will be over! Being stressful won't change anything.

You might have done some mistakes in life but at least you tried it. You can do it again and change it. If you don't do anything you won't do anything wrong. But isn't it good to take a step but fail and try again. I think it is better than not doing anything.

Don't waste your time

Sometimes the reason behind your problems may be the people around you. But unfortunately you can't control these people, it doesn't matter how you try. Then it is better to think that you have nothing to do for these people because you can't change them. If these people hurt you a lot, have some space. These people are just like a math question in our lives. Instead of wasting time with them, it is better to move and look at the other questions. Because if we stuck the same question, it will both take our time and make us more angry. And we will miss a lot.

If there is a problem try to solve it. But if it takes a lot time, put it a side and move on.

The Most Common Question We Ask: Why Me?
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