How To Stop Caring About What Strangers Think Of You

How To Stop Caring About What Strangers Think Of You

Everything in life is a process. There are steps that are taken in order to complete something and get to the end result. And just like that, you have to remember, your negative thoughts will take time to diminish. It’s not a one day process or even a month. It could take years. I know you clicked this article because the title intrigued you, and maybe you are suffering from negative thoughts which you think other people are thinking about you. And you think that this Article will help you.

You are right, in a way, it will.

Before I start, I want to say even though I am writing this with the full intent to help people be more in control of their mental health, this will not be the full solution you might be seeking. If you feel like you need more help, beyond something a non-professional cannot provide, please talk to a doctor or therapist. However, in the meantime, read this.

Negativity is one of the worst enemies of mankind. It’s been here for as long as human beings have been around. It comes in different forms, but it has only one intent, to destroy you. To destroy your happiness, to push away your loved ones from you, and it makes people so miserable to the point where they can’t handle it anymore and want to take their own life. I personally don’t know anyone who has ever done that and god forbid that somebody does. I cannot even begin to imagine what it would feel like if my loved one passed this way, and I was not able to help them. I think that’s one of my greatest fears, knowing the things I know now, I always want to make sure that my family members are okay. That they are always happy, because happiness is extremely vital, for the human heart.

But what is the key to this happiness?

You probably have not heard of this man but my Father told me about him one day, after finding his videos on youtube. His name is Qasim Ali Shah and he has a lot of videos regarding depression and how to lift yourself back up and that sort. But the videos are in urdu, and I was not able to find any videos with English subtitles for people to watch. Any who, in one of his videos Qasim explains that human beings are hungry for love. Why do so man depressed people feel alone? Because they need to feel they are loved. What to do when your son or daughter is angry with you? Show them love, show them as a parent you forgive them and that it’s okay. They are human after all, and make mistakes. What to do when your mother is angry with you? Show her that you love her, say “Mom, don’t worry about cleaning the dishes, I got you.”

Love, love, LOVE.

Love, is the key to happiness. It warms the heart of people who are angry or sad. It shows the person that you care so deeply about them, that you controlled your own anger in order to make them feel better. It’s love. Love makes happiness.

Now, on to the point of this article and why I am writing this. How do you stop caring about what strangers think of you?

I want you to do something for me, close your eyes and imagine, imagine being that stranger on the train ride home who you thought judged you for looking disheveled and untidy, because you saw him staring at you. Even though you knew, that you were tired and that’s why you looked like that, you still felt horrible and now your whole day was ruined. However, now that you are that stranger, imagine what’s going on in his mind, imagine the things he could be going through and imagine the time when that stranger also looked like you when they were tired. Disheveled, red eyed and exhausted.

We as human beings, almost all go through the same experiences. It’s not happening to you for the first time. If it happened to you, chances are it happened to someone else. We are not perfect, we were not made perfect. So, relax and take a deep breath, alright? And smile. Because you frickin’ deserve to.

How To Stop Caring About What Strangers Think Of You
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