30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)


30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

Lots of people struggle from depression around the world, these simple ways will help making people to deal with life better.

1. Never think about past, it's gone, we just need to forget it.

There are lots of people with terrible pasts around the world, some ignored it, some forgot about it and some are still depressed about their pasts. Since we can't do anything about our pasts, it's better to forget about them and start a happy life!

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

2. Live everyday as if it's your last day in life.

Remember how often people ask "what will you do if they told you today is your last day?" Most of us will say that they will try to do everything and they will enjoy life but why don't you try to enjoy your life every day? Every day you learn new things and experience new stuff.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

3. Start exercising, or at least make some time to move outside for a walk.

Staying home and not going outside for a long time will make things worse, as mostly it will make you to overthink again and again until you get depressed into boredom, its also unhealthy for you.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

4. Always be thankful.

Always be thankful for what you have because there are lots of people that live a tougher life than you and are wishing for a life like yours.

5. Never compare yourself with another person.

Don't do this as it will most likely make you desperate and jealous. Everyone is different, so everyone has their advantages and disadvantages. It's like comparing a monkey to an elephant on which of them can climb a tree so the best thing is to be yourself.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

6. Have good hygiene.

Having good hygiene will make you to feel good and confident. It doesn't matter wether you are in public or alone at home, you should always have a good hygiene.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

7. Always forgive people over little things.

Be a merciful person, forgive what they have done to you, if you can forgive them over terrible things rather than small then you are a strong person.

8. Apologize when you did something wrong.

Apologizing for your actions that you did doesn't mean you are a weak person, it means you are very strong and mature. If they didn't accept your apology then move on, don't feel sad about it. After all, we are all humans and we have done bad stuff but most importantly if you want people to forgive you then you should also forgive other people if they apologized.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

9.Visit hospitals to realize how important is it to be healthy, prisons to realize how important freedom is, and mental institutions to realize how important it is to have a healthy brain.

10. Clear your mind from hateful and sick thoughts.

Begging about things you hate will most likely make you feel worse, always think in a healthy way, try solving your problems in your mind first instead of spreading hateful things and make other people sad .

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

11. Always keep in mind that you are not the only one that has gone through a terrible past or lived terribly. There are millions of people whom are struggling.

12. Never let anyone's words hurt you, if you don't let this, this will be a strike and it will hurt them back and never let jealous people piss you off.

Keep in mind that they are jealous because they know you are better than them and don't take fools too seriously.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

13. Always help the one in need.

Wether it's financial support, emotional, or other kinds of help. Also don't expect much things back.

Always be nice and support people, it will make you to feel good about yourself and definitely make you happier.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

14. Always respect people regardless of age, belief, nationality or race.

Make people feel respected and most of them will respect you back, it will make everyone happy.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

15. Always try to obtain money by good and healthy jobs rather than the ones that are against society.

16. Try to control your anger, because it will make things worse rather than solving them.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

17. Never care about what other people think about you .

Doing this will make you unhappy and insecure, even if people think badly about you who are they to judge? Only care about your actions rather than what others think about your actions , for example , in a video game, you put all your focus on your main character and don't care much about other characters around, so be like this in real life!!

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

18. Don't judge fast and don't trust fast either.

Never judge someone even if others say bad things about them, until you know them well, and don't trust too much. Maybe the one you trust mostly is a backstabber .

19. Find a spouse, someone that becomes a part of your soul and wanting to spend all their life living with you.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

20. Try to be independent.

Try focusing on your future, work hard to achieve something so you can value yourself and live on your own.

21. Don't feel inferior because of your sex, race, or nationality.

God created us all equally but the ones whom are piety and have good deeds have a higher value.

23. Life is short, don't take things too seriously.

Try to joke more , laugh more and enjoy every moment, laughing with no reason is also good but don't fake it.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

24. Try working in a farm or garden.

Planting and watering trees and other plants will reduce stress as working in nature helps you to stay relaxed, also taking care of animals in farm is good, like collecting eggs from the chickens, milking the cows etc.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

25. Eat to live, don't live to eat!

Eat healthy foods as it will make you healthier and feeling better , don't eat too much junk food or it will cause hormonal imbalance and depression.

26. Sleep well! This one is very important.

Not getting enough sleep will cause many problems, specifically it will highly affect your mentality. Not getting enough sleep will result in tiredness, depression, viewing and observing things in a bad way and it will make you focus on the bad more. Everyone should get 8 hours of sleep at least, also another thing to mention is that changing your daily sleeping routine will also affect you in a bad way, it's better to change things slowly if anyone has to change their sleeping routine for some reasons.

27. Don't let anyone change you and don't change anyone.

Your dreams, hobbies and actions should remain the same as you are being yourself, don't let anyone try to change you for themselves or any other reason. Your dreams are yours, and their dreams are theirs.

28. Don't expect everyone to like you.

If you are a good person, kind, lovely and loyal, don't expect every single person to treat you with same respect because there are lots of people with different views and personalities.

29. Never feel sad about your looks.

When it comes to most of things, looks are last thing and personality is the first, having a good personality and manners is extremely important. No one will like an arrogant person even if they look like angels but a person with great personality will have a bright and lovely face.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

30. Try to pet an animal.

Taking care of a pet will make anyone with a great heart happy. By taking responsibility and valuing something they protect.

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)

Best luck for all of you Bros and sisters. <3 <3

30 Simple Ways to be a Happy Person ! :-)
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