Living in the Past Syndrome


So I have noticed a recurring phenomenon in my life; I can't stop living and looking in the past, when things in my current life aren't going so great.

Living in the Past Syndrome

Currently, I do not care for my job, my school, I have no boyfriend, and all my friends have vanished.

There was a time, maybe 2 years ago, where I was so content with my life and everything felt perfect. A lady came into my work, back then, and asked "when was a time where you were your happiest?" And my answer was, "I am at my happiest, right now." She then explained that if your answer is anything other than now, that you need to analyze your life and fix what you can to change that answer to now.

I had the world at my hands 2 years ago. I had just gotten my first job and everything was so exciting and new, and my coworkers were amazing. On top of that, I was so in love with my boyfriend and was on cloud nine. I also had a group of friends I was inseparable with and they always made life so fun.

...but time goes by and things change... a lot. My boyfriend starts showing his true colors and stops treating me good, he made me feel as if I had no presence. He became selfish and stopped trying anymore. I had to get out. I now feel there is nothing I can find to do or that I want to do with my time anymore because I gave so much of it to him. Being with him also negatively took a toll on my circle of friends. I started seeing them less and less and after a while, they all just moved on with their lives without me. I would try to make plans but they always fell through. At my job, most of the coworkers I loved left, and the environment is so different now. It used to feel so laid back and fun, and now, all anyone does is complain about the simplest thing.

All of the negative aspects occurring in my life seem to just keep piling up. It seems that every time my life isn't going great, I always look back on the times it was great. I just dwell in the past and wish I could go back and stay there.

I think the point is that sometimes, certain things are only meant to be in our lives for so long. I feel that there is a reason why some things tend to go stale, it's life's way of telling you that it's time to move on and this situation has just run it's course. I think things do happen for a reason.

Why is it that when we are having a tough time, the past always seems better than the life we are living right now is? It's because back then we didn't face the same obstacles we are now. I think maybe I, or even you, can romanticise the past because we are so blinded by what our current hardships are. I am unhappy now but I know I am capable of happiness and that's a good feeling. Here's to a road of looking forward and recreating the happiness I know I am capable of.

What are your thoughts?

Living in the Past Syndrome
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