Living with a Mental Illness

Living with a Mental Illness

Having a Mental Illness is rarely ever “pretty”. We get judged for being different. We have a hard time confessing certain symptoms we’re struggling with to our support system. It is even harder to talk about it to those who never struggled themselves.

The sad part is that most people see those who suffer from a Mental Illness as those who are just looking for attention, or who just always feel sorry for themselves. That is not the case. We have different ways of thinking than the person not suffering from it, we see everything different. Some days we feel great and then other days we can’t even seem to leave the bed.

Some of us think about death 24/7 without being suicidal, most are suicidal, people always can’t seem to understand. If you self-harm you are seeking attention.

Some days are harder than other, you just can’t seem to do anything. You are so tired.

There is a lack of motivation and people always just think you are lazy. There is so much more than just that.

Our good days aren’t always the good day other people know, if we can get out of bed and get through the day, well mostly that is a good day for us.

We get upset about anything, people always say that it’s nothing to be upset about or to cry about, to worry about. They DON’T know what it is like to live in this kind of fear. It is hard to explain something like this when they can’t walk in your shoes.

People tell us to smile and be thankful for what we have, because there are people out there having it worse than us. How would you know what we feel?

“It’s all in your head” a lot of us heard that one before. “Just get your mind set right”, “Try to be more positive”. How on earth can I do that when I am already down in the dumps? We can’t just snap out of it!

You can have a Mental Illness and still be a normal functioning human being, but be fighting a constant battle inside yourself. Negativity, frustration and fear all rule inside your inner thoughts. Feeling like you’re not good enough, yet you know you are. Feeling like you’re not doing enough, yet you’re doing too much. It’s a constant battle inside of yourself.

I just wish more people had an understanding about what mental illness is and that it has many faces. To have that understanding that what you see on the outside is most of the time not the same as what we are facing on the inside.

It would be wonderful to have a great support system, for people to stop judging us, to stand by us. And if you have nothing good to say about it, then why don’t you just say nothing at all? And if you ever were to be diagnosed with some sort of Mental Illness, I just hope that there will be people supporting you, because then you will know that it is not easy.

Living with a Mental Illness
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