Five Things to Stop Freaking Out About

1. Your timeline

Five Things to Stop Freaking Out About

There is no specific one way to live life. Some people don't graduate from college until they are 40 or never go, some people hook up at 15 and others at 30, some people never own a house. Some will get married and have the kids and some won't. Technology and social media have created this vacuum where we are constantly seeing and reading things that lead us to believe that "just like everyone else," we need to finish this or accomplish that, or be in this type of relationship by a certain time, or we're losers. Calm down. Hyperventilate in a bag for a moment, and then realize, it's your life. You can only move at your own pace and live it the way you can for you and if things don't work out the way you thought they would, this is life and that's okay.

2. Your appearance

But, but, but, but...nope, stop freaking out about this one. You see yourself in the mirror everyday. You are hypercritical because you believe the world is too. Honestly, there are some people who do care way too much about looks and will make things that shouldn't out to be a big deal. Magazines and tv focus on looks all the time. Yes, all of that, but there is just more to the day then swallowing it up feeling bad about your genetics which you can't change, or a few pounds or a little acne, or what some idiot said to you because s/he is an idiot.

Five Things to Stop Freaking Out About

3. How much money you don't have

If you're freaking out about this one, you have the ability to do something about this. Make small incremental or big changes in your life, try a new career, work on saving or getting out of debt. This is a workable problem, not a death nail in your coffin.

4. Politics

Five Things to Stop Freaking Out About

They are important, yes, you should be aware of the world around you, yes, but just please take a breather on this one if this is all consuming in your world. We know the type. They get on Facebook and type 17 paragraphs about the issue on a daily basis to people who probably don't really care all that much. If you want change or something to happen that will make a difference, do something other than whine about it to no one. Join an action group, protest, become involved in local or national politics, become a lobbyist, something.

5. The Unfairness of the World

The world is not fair. It will never be fair. As long as we have boxes to check for what you are, how much you make, where you live, where you work, etc., people will always put people above or below you and treat people as such. People have long had to fight hard to clear a path to move forward, and if the world is unfair to you, you either accept that there is nothing you can do about it, or fight to kick open the doors. Just like politics, you may complain all you want, but that isn't going to change anything without action behind it.

Five Things to Stop Freaking Out About
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