My Thoughts on Written Communication and Why Twitter is Pointless

My Thoughts on Written Communication and Why Twitter is Pointless

OK, here is the thing. Besides my irrational dislike for twitter, there is a good reason why not to use it. 140 characters. Yeah, that’s right. That’s all that you get. How are you supposed to communicate nuanced position? How can you go deep? Here is the thing, this age is rushed. Everyone is in hurry to go somewhere. Or so I’ve heard. So people don’t give much time to anything. And here we have it, short attention span. And then here comes twitter, ideal for that, right? Yeah. But…

Written communication is the most frequent communication on the internetz, which we all love (if you don’t…why are you here?). But human communication is about much more. Tone and volume of your voice might indicate sarcasm, irony, normal, conversational voice, or something else. And there are facial expressions as well. I’m a guy with AS, poor communication skills, so I’m writing this from a unique perspective. But I know one thing, the more information you have, the better. Ideal? All of them. Every position of every insignificant particle in every moment in time. As I said, ideally.

Now, written communication can introduce many misunderstandings. I’ve experienced my fair share of it. With some people, you just cannot talk online. In real life, it’s fine. So we already have limited means of communication, and now we limit the length? Oh, boy. Recipe for…misunderstanding and conflict, which are easily preventable and pointless. And yeah, you get twitter, for whatever reason, a relevant site. Right, many people with short attention span, I forget.

In every conversation it is important to remember this: You have some concept in your head, some thought. If our species would be more technologically advanced, that would be the thing which you’d transfer to whoever you are talking to. But…sadly…we care about money. Not advancing as a species. Sad (to put it in Trump words). Now, this idea of yours needs to be put in words. So…you do that. And…you know how some things in your head sounds way better than when you actually say them (or am I the only one?)? Yeah, this happens. So you speak your mind. Cool. Tone of your voice, body language and everything goes with it. Now, the other person is in certain mood, has a certain personality and experience, he hears you, his/her (SJWs are triggered right now, I can imagine) mind processes that into thought. Exchange is complete.

There are many steps and in each of them there can be little errors. Mostly insignificant, since we still have civilization. But they happened. Aka. I’ve meant A, but you think I’ve meant B. Now, strip down the transferring process to text only. That’s a pretty huge blow. Tone of voice is important. We should have something like HTML tags for that, or something, I don't know. Now, this extremely limited communication channel is limited to 140 characters. Do you see now why I dislike the very concept of twitter?

But it’s not only about that site, it’s about communication in general. Because you also can be like me. Deadly honest, direct, communicating like computers, only with substance so you cannot small talk. Your brain just isn’t wired that way. And you say something which is an obvious joke to you, but someone doesn’t see it that way and suddenly you are the new Mao Zedong. And…since the other side is usually locked in anger, you cannot explain yourself.

My Thoughts on Written Communication and Why Twitter is Pointless
26 Opinion