You Are Amazing, Every Second of Every Hour, You Are Still Awesome and Amazing


Why does nobody understand that you are amazing just how you are. Please please please just know that people love you for who you are, not who you pretend to be. I know that things get hard and that life seems to enjoy kicking you in the face but you have to just keep going. Being happy is something for YOU, not for your friends or family but for you. They make themselves happy so you need to make yourself happy. You are awesome whether you are 4;4 or 6'4 or have a bmi of 18 or 76 you are still you and you need to be proud of that.

Boys are not supposed to have to bottle up their feelings its not like the are supposed to be strong all the time. If a guy gets mad or upset he is not overreacting he is letting his emotions out. Its not just girls who break down its guys to. In fact guys hold in so much even though they know they can't go much longer.

Honor both genders because guys are just as human as girls are.

You are amazing every second of every hour you are still awesome and amazing

You Are Amazing, Every Second of Every Hour, You Are Still Awesome and Amazing
11 Opinion