You Girls Are AMAZING


My take on why I really love girls a lot and their importance in my life

You Girls Are AMAZING

Namaste! It's been over two years since I last shared a myTake here. Life is long busy road. It takes away everything you love in your life and shifts away your focus and make you wait to reach your destination, after all, it is full of hurdles like rumble strips and potholes (not making innuendos on women's bodies). But then, you meet some amazing women on your journey which makes it a hell worth of experience and here's what I'm going to share what I like in women. In fact, there's a woman who motivated me to write this. I thank you @alinakhanx0x for the nomination. I always wanted to write on this but I was waiting for a special moment like hitting 200 followers (It may not be a big deal for you, but I believe I earned each of them as I'm not an influencer) out of which more than a 100 of them are girls. I'm still at 195 but here I'm writing this because...

Girls Make Me Get Out Of My Comfort Zone

You Girls Are AMAZING

Like this one, a girl motivated me to pick up my pen (keyboard) and start writing. I very much prefer the girls who get the most out of me, who make me a better man than I used to be. If it weren't to be the girls in my life, I'd have never bothered to care about my looks, fashion sense, being a better conversationalist, perspicacious, listener and most importantly, a confident man. I never had guts to approach girls, but then, girls started to approach me and made me feel better about myself. They showed me that I'm worth more than I think about myself. I can be handsome, smart, leader... I can be a... man.

Girls Are Way Stronger

You Girls Are AMAZING

Girls are often considered weaker compared to the guys, but that's so wrong. They have some ridiculous willpower. I've seen a lot of girls continuing when most of the guys gave up and that's what I prefer. A girl with mental stability teaches the guys some serious lessons they will never forget. Honestly though, they're weaker in physical strength but they can make you run out of your money when it comes to emotional strength, pain tolerance, lower body strength and immunity.

I don't want a Victoria's Secret model. I want a girl who can pick one up and squat her

Girls Not Only Look Beautiful, They Do Beautiful

You Girls Are AMAZING

Sure, no one likes a bossy girl. But everyone likes a girl with success. Success demands hard work and talent and I really-really-really dig it in a girl. If a girl can dance, sing, play an instrument, give a speech, jump higher, run faster, write a great piece, draw, charity, drift a car or simply educate the people (etc.), they are the walking gems I always try to hunt.

Full Of L.I.F.E. (Love, Intelligence, Fertility, Expression)

You Girls Are AMAZING

I really love a girl who knows her shit and isn't afraid to show it. If she loves me, she shows it. If she has an opinion, she tells it. If she's beautiful, she flaunts it. So many girls fail to express their qualities. But then, there are girls who show the world what they possess. I really have a thing for the girls who can talk on complicated things and share a long nosebleeding input even on trivial matters.

There is absolutely no way I can be with a girl who is not open to me. I want someone I'd talk with whole night long. Sure, talking is not the only thing we will do, but successful conversations ensure that we love each other. Someone who can make me comfortable, who understands my depths. An anodyne for my miseries. A good sense of humour is probably the best thing I like in a girl.

Of course, being shy doesn't mean you lack confidence. We all have a thing for shy girls.

Confidence is the best make-up you could ever wear

God Is A Girl

People say god is one who created us, I was created by a girl. And I want someone who can create one for me. Who can give me the most precious gift of my life. A loving, caring and fulfilling girl is everything a guy needs in his life.

Related myTake : Things I Am Confused To Prefer In Girls

You Girls Are AMAZING

Thank you so much. It's so good to write again. I hope I didn't sound like a white knight here. I hope I'll soon write one for the guys too.

So, this was my input to #WhatIFindAttractiveChallenge

Concludingly, I would nominate the following awesome people to write a similar myTake on what they find attractive:






And last but certainly not the least... The Readers.

How about you? I would like you to share your input. What do you think about mine? Loved it? Hated it? Share your opinions below, I'd love to hear from you.

Game on folks, believe!

You Girls Are AMAZING
30 Opinion