Be You, Don't Be Who They Are


So I had someone ask me a little while ago this question, and it shocked me because I didn't realize how common this question is asked anymore.

We live in a very accepting nation but not so much accepting home. You don't need to change yourself for other people. A friend ask me "do I need to be straight to have friends" I said "no you need to be you and you need to be happy with you, gay, lesbian, bi, trans and all the other things are just labels. You can be you without a label, you don't have to be the tall guy in class, or the bad-as* girl at work. No you have to be "Y/N" is there really so much to it? To being you? yes there are a lot of problems and yes its not gonna be easy but you are you and that's all that matters.

Guys your just like me "we probably judge ourselves way harsher than anyone judges us"- The fosters

You should feel judged or the need to change. Heck I'm a Christian and I believe if you are 500 pound then you need to accept that. sure you can try to change it but don't change it for other people change it for you.

Because you are amazing and Awesome

(if anyone ever wants to talk I'm here"

Be You, Don't Be Who They Are
3 Opinion