5 Rare Cat Breeds



5 Rare Cat Breeds

Arguably the most bizarre-looking cat in existence, the Sphynx, from Canada, is actually pretty strong and surprisingly rare.

Fishing Cat

5 Rare Cat Breeds

We used to think that cats hate water, but this cat proves us wrong. Their most peculiar feature is the webbing beneath their toes for better swimming. They are about twice the size of a domestic cat and very muscular. They are usually not aggressive but can surely defend themselves when necessary.

Norwegian Forest Cat

5 Rare Cat Breeds

This badass little kitty is as tough as nails. Any cat hearty enough to travel the high seas with the Vikings must be exceptionally energetic and fiercely loyal.

Kurilian Bobtail

5 Rare Cat Breeds

These clever little mousers (from Russia and Japan) are such relentless hunters, they've been known to bring down small bears when hunting in packs. No wonder they've become such a popular fixture in Russia.


5 Rare Cat Breeds

Margays are from South America and spend most of their day in the trees. What's amazing about this cat is that it can jump from one tree branch to another and get down a tree like a squirrel. Their strong legs allow Margays to hang with their heads down which is very unusual for a cat.

5 Rare Cat Breeds
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