5 Disadvantages Of Introversion

A while back I made an anonymous take on the Advantages Of Introversion and I was thinking about it and decided to do the other end of the 'spectrum' (for lack of a better term) and talk about some of the negatives of introversion. This is a generalized list, so these may not apply to every introvert

1) Isolation

5 Disadvantages Of Introversion

Introverts do enjoy solitude, but this can also lead to some problems. If an introvert gets too much alone time, they may start secluding themselves. They may even reach a point where they will no longer feel welcomed by their friends, family, peers or colleagues.

2) Conversation

5 Disadvantages Of Introversion

Conversations can be a prime source of anxiety for introverts. We have little to no time to prepare what we are going to say in a conversation. When something is brought up that we didn't expect often times, instead of pausing and thinking, an introvert will sometimes freak out say something impulsively, even if we don't mean it. This can be anything from accidentally telling a secret, to accidentally scheduling a meeting on the wrong day. To make matters worse, a single phrase in a conversation can bother us for the rest of the day, even if the other person doesn't think much of it.

3) Bad Days

5 Disadvantages Of Introversion

Like everyone, we have our bad days. A lot of extroverts show the world that they are mad, however it is the introverts you should worry about, especially if they are mad at you in particular. It isn't always obvious to tell if an introvert is mad, because they put on a poker face. You can be in a conversation with an introvert and everything will seem fine, but secretly they want you dead. An introvert can snap at an instants notice over what seems to be nothing, but it has all been boiling deep down. They bottle in a lot of their emotions and when they snap, everything they have bottled up all comes out at once.

4) "Be More Social"

5 Disadvantages Of Introversion

Those are the dreaded words introverts loathes. Most of the time it isn't that an introvert doesn't socialize, it's that they don't socialize often. They are much happier with their small group of friends and don't want to deal with the hassle of talking to other people, so when someone tells an introvert to "be more social" it's like telling a square to "be more round". It's not going to happen.

5) A Fish Out Of Water

5 Disadvantages Of Introversion

We live in a world that mostly favors extroverted tendencies. With the busy hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can make it difficult for an introvert to get the quality alone time that they need. We are taught from a very early age that if you are to be successful, you need to be social and popular and introverts typically don't do social and in many cases they aren't the ones to be considered popular either (generally speaking).

In order to remain consistent with my other Take, I'm going to cut it off here at five points. If you are an introvert, do you agree with these points? I know there is a lot more that I didn't include so if you want to share some that you think should've been up here, be my guest. I hope that this helped people realize some of the things introverts go through. And as always, thanks for reading.

5 Disadvantages Of Introversion
Post Opinion