5 Advantages of Introversion


Many people think of introversion as being bad, especially since we live in a world that predominantly favors extroverted traits. What could possible be so good about not liking to socialize much? Well, a lot actually.

1. Strong Relationships

5 Advantages of Introversion

Introverts don't develop a lot of relationships, whether it is with friends, family, or a loved one, but the ones they do have typically are very strong. Because they don't have many relationships, they try their hardest to make the ones they have last as long as possible, because they are special to them.

2. Self Reflexive

5 Advantages of Introversion

Introvert tend to spend a lot of time in their own head. They think about who they are and who they are becoming. They are able to learn to accept themselves and beyond that, they learn to cherish it as well. We spend so much time conforming to what society wants, we are so self conscience about what others think of us that we fail to even know who we are. Getting to know yourself, is the first step in getting to love who you are and when you love who you are is when your true beauty shines. Beauty that no amount of clothing, jewelry, makeup, or plastic surgery can ever match.

3. Knowledgable

5 Advantages of Introversion

What does Issac Newton, Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin all have in common besides being scientist? They were all introverts. Introvert like to think about things, they like to learn as much as they can on topics they don't know. I am not saying that introverts are all hyper-genus or that all hyper-genus are introvert. What I am saying is that introverts like to learn about things and think about the things they know. They sometimes even enjoy challenging what is widely accepted by society. Introverts tend to be very knowledgeable on a given topic. Some other great introverts that you may know include Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Dr. Seuss and Mark Zuckerberg.

4. Little Distractions

5 Advantages of Introversion

Have you ever had something important to do, but end up never doing in for one reason or the next? Maybe you had to go to a party, or just ended up texting with you friend all day. Because an introvert doesn't like to go out and hang out all the time or because they don't talk to a lot of people at home, means there is less to distract them. They aren't constantly checking to see if anyone texted them it makes it a lot easier to put their phone down and do work. Introverts also don't particularly enjoy parties so they will occasionally use their work as an excuse to not go, whether it is that they really do have a lot of work to do and can't go, or are just exaggerating it for an excuse to avoid the anxiety that comes with parties. This one ties in to my next, and final point.

5. Productive

5 Advantages of Introversion

Introvert enjoy being productive. Being productive means that they have something to do. On a bad day, an introvert will often clean or do other work to take their mind off of their bad day. It makes them feel good to have things done and out of the way. And once they are done, they can go get their me time without constantly thinking about everything they need to do.

This is just a short and generalized list. The items on this list may not apply to every introvert, that also doesn't mean that this list can't apply to any extroverts either.This list also doesn't contain anything, but it point out some of the pros of an introvert. There are several cons that an introvert faces, but more often than not the pros outweigh the cons. I hope this helps to bring insight to the life of an introvert to those who may not be an introvert themselves. If anyone who reads this is a fellow introvert, do you agree with the things listed? Is there anything you think should be added?

5 Advantages of Introversion
15 Opinion