7 Things To Let Go Of To Find Happiness

7 Things To Let Go Of To Find Happiness

1) Your Mistakes

7 Things To Let Go Of To Find Happiness

Mistakes are inevitable,but dwelling on your mistakes just robs you of your happiness in the present.Mistakes don't need to define you in a negative way,they can make you wiser, stronger, and more discerning if you look on mistakes as opportunities for personal growth .Acknowledging your mistakes and forgiving yourself for the mistakes you've made, can help to put them behind you and move on. Revisiting your past won't undo your mistakes, but with self-reflection and learning from your mistakes you can improve your life in the present and in the future.

Your best teacher is your last mistake

2) A Grudge

7 Things To Let Go Of To Find Happiness

Holding lasting grudges will just weigh you down by draining you physically ,mentally and emotionally.Forgiving people is not about them, it’s about you. Forgiveness doesn't mean you condone a person’s actions or behavior,and that you should let them back into your life .It means you're letting go of the pain,bitterness,anger and resentment that is festering inside you. It prevents their behavior from hardening your heart,and allows room for peace and happiness.

It hurts more to hold grudges than to forgive.The anger you hold inside damages you,nobody else. Do not be prisoner of yourself .Forgive ,and set yourself free.

3) Your Pride

7 Things To Let Go Of To Find Happiness

Pride isn't all together bad ,it can be very useful in certain situations and circumstances. However, it can erode your happiness depending on how it's used.Pride can be a destructive force that can ruin relationships ,and destroy you personally and professionally. It can prevent you from building stable relationships,apologizing when you're in the wrong,and you may refuse to see or acknowledge your mistakes.That means you will never learn from them,and lessons not learned just inhibits personal growth

EGO- three letters that hold you back from saying things your heart is dying to say .Like -i love you,i miss you , i am sorry

4) Your Comfort Zone

7 Things To Let Go Of To Find Happiness

Your comfort zone provides a state of mental security ,and a sense of stability in your daily life that helps to minimizes stress and risk. However , there are times when you need to learn to let go ,and break out of your comfort zone. Stepping outside of your comfort zone helps you to learn new skills and grow as a person.It also prepares you for life changes that force you out of it.You'll have an easier time dealing with new and unexpected changes in your life if you push beyond your personal boundaries.Challenging yourself to do things you normally wouldn't do leads to self-improvement, and you'll be more productive and get more done. It will free yourself to achieve more, to be more

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

5) Toxic People

7 Things To Let Go Of To Find Happiness

Toxic people cause havoc in your .They exhaust you emotionally & physically,and make you feel bad about yourself and about life in general. They can even make you toxic yourself.Refuse to sacrifice your happiness ,and simplify your life by removing unnecessary stress by letting go of any toxic people. Take care of your physical and mental needs first ,and stop exposing yourself to that which is toxic.Reclaim the time and energy you've been giving to toxic people.Instead, surround yourself with people who make you feel positive, loved, safe and happy.Don't make room for people who cause you pain, disregard your feelings, ignore your boundaries and treat you in a hurtful and disrespectful way

Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don't hesitate.Fumigate

6) Your Expectations

7 Things To Let Go Of To Find Happiness

Expecting too much from ourselves and from other people only leads to disappointment.Don’t expect too much from others because people behave according to their perspective, not yours. Everyone has different levels of awareness with different thoughts, feelings and experiences.So they will not always do what they say they will do,or act and behave the way you believe they should. When they don't meet the expectations you put on them,you will only be left feeling let down and unhappy.Also, never base your life on other people's expectations of you.Don't structure your life around what other people think is best for you.Live a life that is true and right for you,not the life other people think you should live.Only you know what is best for you.Know your own limitations ,and set realistic goals for yourself. Or you'll only become frustrated and disheartened if you don't meet your own expectations.Having reasonable and healthy expectations of yourself and of other people is important for healthy self-esteem and a happy life.

when you release expectations ,you are free to enjoy things for what they are,instead of what you think they should be

7) Your Insecurities

7 Things To Let Go Of To Find Happiness

Insecurities can come from your own self-judgment, or from the judgments of others.You do not have to be liked or accepted by everyone to be happy. We all have insecurities ,but some people have a negative disposition.They always focus on the negative side of things. However, the longer you think about something, the more your insecurities will get the better of you.Let go of the feelings of insecurity by stop listening to your critical inner voice, as it is only detrimental to your mental health.Low self -esteem is based on emotion, not a self-Image.So to overcome low self -esteem you need to change how you feel emotionally about yourself.Don't over-think everything. Challenge your inner critic,and instead of thinking you're not good enough, focus on the positives about yourself and your life.Change the things you can ,and accept the things you can't change.Try to accept who you are, and let go of who you imagine yourself to be

Nothing holds you back more than your own insecurities

7 Things To Let Go Of To Find Happiness

7 Things To Let Go Of To Find Happiness
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