14 Steps to Happiness


Happiness: increase of the serotonin levels in our brain cells. Most antidepressants aim to increase our serotonin levels to make us feel happy. But there are other ways to increase it without taking any pills.

1. Don't try to please everybody

Because most people won't know your value. Be picky!

2. Don't think about past

14 Steps to Happiness

It is over. You might have good and bad days in past but when you think about your past you will stuck there. Just accept it, get your lesson from it and move on. If you live in past you will miss the moment, and if you miss the moment you will miss the future. The best side of the past is that it is over.

3. See an opportunity in ever bad situation

4. Change the way of perceiving a situation

Let's say that your s.o dumped you. Do you think like "What will I do anymore!" If you think so you will become sad. Just try to understand that it is a common thing.

5. Positive affirmation

The way you think is so important. Make positive affirmations.

6. Get rid of negative people
14 Steps to Happiness

They will decrease your energy. They will tell you that you can't.

7. Find something to do with patient

It will increase your energy.

8. Future anxiety

14 Steps to Happiness

Being nervous about future will decrease your performance. Just change your anxieties with your dreams.

9. Stop bottling up

If someone is making you sad then tell it! Talk about.

10. Say no

Say no for the things that you don't want to do. If you say yes to everything, people won't know your value.

11. Meditation

14 Steps to Happiness

Watch your thoughts without criticising. Just watch them without focusing. Let your thoughts come and go.

12. Be like a child

Live the moment. Do whatever you like. Say whatever you feel.

13. Smile

There doesn't have to be anything to smile but your body will produce serotonin.

14. Smell

14 Steps to Happiness

There are some certain smells that makes you happy like:



Wet ground

14 Steps to Happiness
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