Are They a "Sociopath"?

Oops! I forgot to put my fake-up on today
Oops! I forgot to put my fake-up on today

What is a "Sociopath" you ask?

- Sociopaths are people who have little to no conscience. They will lie, cheat, steal and manipulate others for their own benefit. They know exactly what they are doing, they just don't care because they don't think that way. If you are naive enough, they will brainwash you into doing exactly what they say and what they want which is the only time a sociopath is truly happy.

Sociopaths can hide this well if you haven't known them for long. They're really nice and charming at first, almost too nice, but it's extremely fake. The niceness will last until a problem occurs in which they are at fault however, you will be manipulated to believe that you are in the wrong.

1. They are Charming

They will say and do anything to get what they want from you.

2. Intelligent

You wouldn't think so but sociopaths are highly intelligent. They can manipulate words and twist them to work in their favor to make it look as though you are at fault.

3. "Nice"

There is a persona about them that you just can't shake. Their "niceness" lowers your guard to make you think they're harmless.

I have more than one face.
I have more than one face.

4. Incites emotional chaos

Everything is all peachy then out of nowhere. BOOM! a random outburst of emotion with you in the middle of their shit storm

5. Presents themselves as someone with high moral values

Being fake is part of their whole agenda. Making you believe that they are a good person when it isn't necessarily true. They often feel the need to be the bigger person making you believe you are a impudent child.

They only do good things to make them feel better about themselves.

6. Disingenuous

Like i said previously they are fake. Everything they say is a lie. No matter what you wanna believe how honest they are being with you it's all part of the plan to pull your strings to get you to do what they want for them.

7. Lack of empathy

They will never really care and their apologies are worthless.

8. Incapable of Love

If you see a trend in their relationship history that involves them leaving the other person. There's probably something wrong with that person

Are They a

Ultimately these people are Manipulative. They will say and do whatever to get what they want out of you without any remorse or consequences of their actions.

What they do to you is what they have done before in the past and will continue to do so. People to them are disposable bags of flesh for their fun and games

They can fake human emotion and pass themselves off as genuine as they come.

It's a common myth that these types of people have no friends but in reality it's the complete opposite.

Pay attention to subtle things that they say and do. They will say one thing and do another. Even admitting to you unconsciously if it doesn't directly involve you.

Here are a list of jobs a Sociopath might hold:

Police officers


Sales Person





I was feeling inspired today :)

Good luck spotting those sociopaths! Lots of them out there!

Are They a "Sociopath"?
Post Opinion