7 things about me I'm comfortable with G@G knowing. #7thingsAboutMeChallenge


I kind of wanna try to start this sort of challenge thing, but I'm also not important enough, so let's we how this goes. :)

I feel this is the only way for me to stop writing useless myTakes.

Also I'm gonna start recording my MyTakes again, so that's a thing....

But without any more delay...

7 things about me I'm cool with G@G knowing.


7 things about me I'm comfortable with G@G knowing. #7thingsAboutMeChallenge


1.) I have pretty low self esteem.

The end, nobody cares. Moving on!

2.) I get great enjoyment from making fun of this community.

What's the point of signing up for a website if I can't take the piss out of it and the people on it?

So I'll sometimes find places to dip my toe into the stupidity of this community, for my own personal amusement. (sorry guys, some of you are comically dumb)

3.) I'm not funny.

Not much to elaborate on this. I may write satire but I'm not anywhere near funny.

4.) I'm an animator.

I do some work for others, in terms of making animations (I can't show my work cause it's not really... Legal...)

But I do have a few very old gifs on my phone.

7 things about me I'm comfortable with G@G knowing. #7thingsAboutMeChallenge
7 things about me I'm comfortable with G@G knowing. #7thingsAboutMeChallenge
7 things about me I'm comfortable with G@G knowing. #7thingsAboutMeChallenge

5.) I hope to use this site to become better at being a writer.

I like to write in my spare time, G@G just gives me a small outlet to just write random shit.

I write more serious stuff off this platform, but this sites good for practice.

6.) I love my dog.

Rare colored picture of me
Rare colored picture of me

I'm bored or unenthusiastic most of the time and the minute my dog comes over to see me I'm immediately happy.

7 things about me I'm comfortable with G@G knowing. #7thingsAboutMeChallenge

She's my fluffy little sister.

7.) I'm relatively patient.

I generally don't get angry at anything, like I wrote a myTake about things that piss me off and it's like 5 things.

Alright that's enough, time to date some people.

I nominate the following.










Go ahead an be more creative than me.

And have a good day. :)

7 things about me I'm comfortable with G@G knowing. #7thingsAboutMeChallenge
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