Personal Boundaries May Effect How Others Treat You



Personal Boundaries

It’s very painful when you feel people are always trying to bring you down. It can end up believing everybody’s against you.

But here’s the thing...

People will take you at your own valuation. In other words, if they treat you in ways that make you feel hurt, angry or resentful and you don’t put a stop to it, they will continue to treat you badly.

So, first of all, you need to know without a shadow of a doubt, that you deserve to be treated kindly and with respect but, before they change the way they treat you, you will need to treat yourself with kindness and respect first.

Most people don’t like themselves and they most certainly don’t respect themselves. The evidence is that they have no personal boundaries.

Personal boundaries are like a line drawn in the sand that says, “this far and no further.”


So, if you want people to change the way they treat you, you first have to change the way you treat yourself.

Here are some examples of how you treat yourself badly:

* You’re hyper critical of yourself and tend to beat yourself up.

* You compare yourself negatively with other people - you tell yourself they’re luckier, more successful, more attractive than you are.

* You find it difficult to accept compliments or positive feedback because you don’t believe them. Either they don’t even register or, if you hear the compliment, you tell yourself they’re just trying to be nice or you might even reply, “oh it was just luck” or “it was a fluke” or “What! This old thing?”

* You don’t go for what you really want because you don’t think you’re good enough or that you won’t be able to handle it.

* You don’t ask for what you really need and want - assuming you know what that is.

* You don’t ask for help or find it difficult to accept help when it’s offered.

Bottom line, you don’t really believe you’re good enough or worthy enough. All these things are called limiting beliefs and tend to be subconscious which means you don’t know that you believe them!

Personal Boundaries May Effect How Others Treat You
13 Opinion