What's in a smile?

What's in a smile?

A smile is one of the most expressive things on a person's face, but like tone of voice they carry different connotations. Which one is your default smile?

1. The "Polite" Smile

What's in a smile?

Typically closed mouthed, but varies from person to person. This is the smile you give when politely acknowledging strangers, also a smile you give to someone you are forced to be nice to or when rejecting someone. Unfortunately, a lot of people have a hard time distinguishing my "polite" smile from my genuine one.

2. The "Dreamy" Smile

What's in a smile?

This smile is one you see when somebody's "smitten." You see this look in a couple's honeymoon phase a lot, or maybe when they develop a mild obsession for a crush. The look when they are on cloud 9 and often times talk in circles and forget to do their damn job ;)

3. The "Crooked" Smile

What's in a smile?

The Crooked smile is one of my favorite smiles <3. It either means you are going through something negative in your life but smiling as a way to soldier on, or it can mean a little mischief headed your way!

4. The "Strained" Smile

What's in a smile?

Much like the "polite" smile but with poorer acting skills. This person obviously does not like you or you make them uncomfortable. This is for when people are caught in an awkward postion they can't get out of easily. Sometimes hard to detect, so make sure you pay attention to the stiffness in their posture or overall body language. Pleeease .

5. The "Smirk"

What's in a smile?

Do you ever get the feeling of satisfaction when Karma hits someone? Or something inappropriately hilarious happens and you try not to laugh? Sometimes this smile could even be considered "condescending".

6. The "Creepy" Smile

What's in a smile?

You know that one smile that looks slick and oily and sometimes looks like a Glasgow smile without the blood or scars? It's the smile they will make normal people's skin crawl. We've all encountered at least one creep in our lives, unless you ARE the creep.

7. The "Genuine" Smile

What's in a smile?

This one makes others feel warm and fuzzy inside :) Who can resist a charming wide mouthed smile exposing those pearly whites and making those pretty eyes crinkle? Pretty hard to fake this one, unless you were brought up to please people.

What's in a smile?
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