Few Things happening every Second around the World


Few Things happening every Second around the World

Approximately,4 people are born and 2 people die every second around the World

Few Things happening every Second around the World

6 cats and dogs gets killed every second

Few Things happening every Second around the World

40,000 chickens are eaten every second

Few Things happening every Second around the World

Internet in every second:

8,500 tweets

900 instagram photo uploads

4000 Skype calls

75,000 google searches

80,000 Youtube views

40,000 FB likes

75,000 GB of Internet traffic

2,800,700 emails sent

Few Things happening every Second around the World

Approx..3000 people are Initiating sex per second around the world

Few Things happening every Second around the World

Approx..6 Iphones get sold every second

Few Things happening every Second around the World

Approx 2000 trees are cut down every second.

Few Things happening every Second around the World

Amazon Earns approx.3000 $ every second..

Correct me if you find any of the above info Incorrect.

Few Things happening every Second around the World
9 Opinion