Myself in a few words.

Myself in a few words.

I was named after a President

My Parents saw a Road Sign on the way to the Hospital: Zachary Taylor. The name of the 12th President of the United States. (They picked his last name)

I was the First of Five siblings

According to my Mom, I was a beautiful Baby. She was never really into kids until I was born. Over the course of Eight Years, I would have Four more siblings, one of them a Sister!

Myself in a few words.
The B-17... Good stuff!

I've always been into Airplanes

Ever since I was born, my Parents Co-owned an Airport. I saw planes more often than I saw Automobiles... My second word was "Airplane". (The first one was "Light") I'm currently working in an Academy flying planes, living the dream!

I've always looked young

Even to this day, people think I'm 16, when I'm actually 21. Since I have mixed blood through the "Melting Pot", I received my Grandmother's Russian Jaw, giving me the "Baby Face".

I've been lonesome my Whole life

Yes, I'm attracted, and quite obsessed with Girls, but have not made a Girlfriend... yet. However, I'm pretty friendly, and have made Female friends, but none to actually call "my own".

I'm pretty demanding when it comes to niceness

I want a nice world, but I know pretty well that it's not. So I do everything in my power to make things full of kindness in my home, and workplace. If someone wants something, I'll do it! It's not a "slavery" thing, I just know that it's nice to be nice!

Myself in a few words.
Fingers crossed!

I dream of a wonderful Marriage, and Sex life

Of course, as a Boy, I want Sex! But my primary desire is for my Mate's pleasures. If She wants something in particular, I'll do it! The same for my Marriage, I want to do my part, and do it well, and to treat my Wife one day as my Queen!

I don't get hungry much

Sure, I can't cook. And a lot of times, I don't think I really need to, because I'm a "munchies" person, not really a "Meal" person. Just a Bag of chips sometimes!

Myself in a few words.
I did this one.

I'm a Christian

Yeah, these days, I fear it's uncommon to be Religious, but that's Ok! As a Christian, I know life will be full of hatred, and unkindness... But there will be good times too.

I'm an Otaku

(Here comes the hatred) Yes, I like Anime. Yes, I have tattoos in Japanese. Of course I like cosplay! But at the same time, I'm not obsessed with it all... I don't collect much, which comes to another topic:

I'm not a Hoarder

There are things I love. Anime, Star Wars, etc.... But I don't own much. That's not anyone's fault, I just hate accumulating things! Some people think I'm ADHD... I'M NOT! I'm just.... tidy.

I'm a Lover

I like people. I don't like to be mean, or rude. There are people I don't prefer to hang out with, and there are people I adore. I try to be social, (although I'm introverted, and shy) and do my best to be friendly! But if there's someone to defend, I'll do my best to be a Defender!

I live best around Women

Sure, I like hanging out with Guys, but I find myself more comfortable around Girls! All Girls who've known me in the past are comfortable around me, so I pose no threat!

Last one: People have faith in me.

Anyone who knows me knows that if something has been put in my hands, I'll do what's needed to the best of my ability and knowledge. I don't stop in the middle. I like to finish what's been started. (That way, I can rest knowing it's no longer required)

Myself in a few words.
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