English accent variations

This post is dedicated to @SALIM28 and it will be a series of posts with different accents from different parts in England, including pronunciation, slang and even situations when a accent may be dropped depending on casual company.

The English accent varies so ridiculously that it makes sense for non-natives to be confused, our accent and language is so broad that even others in England can get confused by one another's accent :D

So explaining our accents via letters is far too difficult for myself, and so I decided that providing videos for people to listen to would be a lot more effective, I hope they provide a bit of guidance when hearing each one!

First we have Liverpool, this accent is one that is tough to get if you don't interact with them frequently. I can assure you that I do not live in Liverpool and I have spoken with Scousers before, most the time I have trouble keeping up with them :p

We have Cockney which is in the London area and is more different once again. Cockney is a accent that I know and have experienced multiple times from friends as a number of them do live over in those parts whereas I live further from there. Keeping up with this accent is pretty easy for me, since I am well acquainted with it :)

I can't include every single area in one post, but here is some slang as well

Thank you for reading and I will be providing more in the future! ^_^

English accent variations
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