
Rant from a Gen X'r


This isn't a question, but why do most of you millellenials expect somebody to do things FOR you?
when I was growing up in the 80s its was go get it (damn) yourself

Rant from a Gen Xr

Example: expecting someone to cook for you because you were too lazy/high/stoned/insert reason here.

how do you expect to learn the secret to grannys famous cookies you love when she is gone? she is willing to teach and you would rather play your video games and hide in your room.

It makes me angry that you millenials act so self entitled when you have no reason to be.

if I said was "woke" granny woulda said: good, you can go tidy your room.
yes us gen X's are the "fk around and find out" because our parents had capital punishment as a weapon and yours didn't (and look how turned out?) bunch of disrespectful little cnts.

and have poor stretched police as the thin blue line have now become the displinarians your parents have "tried nothing and they are all out of ideas"

we knew the buck stopped with our parents "just wait til your father gets home" "boy you wanna keep crying? i will give you something to cry about"

some us got hit, some of us got shit kicked out of us and we survived.

but most of you are too busy with your nose in this phone to care...

because you refuse to learn, because its always somebody elses fault. and your helicopter parents never even let you learn for yourself.

veganism? LOL no. when I grew up: you ate what you were given or you starved.
#helicopterparents #hipstersdontread

Rant from a Gen X'r
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