When he defended me, is this something little or something very big?

There is this guy that I really like, mostly because he likes me back. I've been liking him since forever- but I'm just wondering if this is something big or little.
I was sitting behind a guy named Dustin, who is my number one enemy. He started picking on my best friend Sophia, my friend since Elementary School. I had just learned that she had suicidal thoughts. I started yelling at Dustin to shut up, I know...how nice of me. I never yell at anyone, let alone tell them to shut up, but I was defending my friend. Dustin would not stop talking about how rude Sophia was, so I told him to shut up much louder. Then, the guy I like told him that he should respect me and if he didn't he would make him shut up. I was so shocked- so many emotions went by me, I felt bad thinking about myself and the guy I like instead of Sophia. I'm just wondering, because I know he likes me, was that something really big he did for me or just a small thing I should forget? I'm asking this because I don't know how seriously I need to take it. To me, it was one of the sweetest thing anybody's done for me. But is this a wonderful turning point or just a small typical type-thing?

Thanks for reading! :)
When he defended me, is this something little or something very big?
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