Does he like me, or am I crazy?

There's a guy at work that I'm interested in but not close to. In the beginning, he was very attentive, and I thought he liked me back. I would move from one side of the room, and he would angle his body the same way while talking to someone. He was always watching me. But now he is acting a little cold. I've noticed that he notices me any time I enter the same area as him, but after that, he seems to ignore me. Yesterday, he striked up a small conversation, but today I tried to do that, and he kind of ended it ubruptly. And if we are in a group and I say something, he doesn't seem to acknowledge me, and then someone will be like oh she said this and then he responds but not directly. I drew a picture on our cubby white bored that said it was for him (joke that isn't important), and I went to show him, and he was like, yeah, I already took a picture of it and just ended it there. Same day a resident calls me a b*tch and he defends me and says to be nice as I'm walking away so it didn't seem to be just because I was there but because he wanted to defend me? So, to me, there are signs, but he doesn't seem interested at the same time? If anyone thinks he is interested, what do I do to get him to actually talk to me?
Does he like me, or am I crazy?
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