I invited my crush to go swimming with me and now Im having a breakdown?

So basically, to celebrate the end of school, my friends and I were planning to go swimming on the last day of school. My friend told be to invite my crush, and I agreed. I know that my crush likes me, but Im still nervous. I told him that he could bring a friend. Also, my friend's ex-crush is coming (she invited him). Basically, it will be me, four of my girl friends, and about three guys (one of the guys is a really close friend of mine). Im not a great swimmer, and Im afraid Ill look stupid in front of him. I will be wearing a bikini for the first time, and I also don't want him to get the wrong idea that Im wearing it to inpress him (im wearing it for myself). how do I make sure he has fun or at lest isn't bored? My crush is a grade above me and all of my friends are my age, so i dont want him to feel like he's around immature children. My crush and I haven't talked in a month or two, and we were never really close. In fre awkward around each other. So how do i look good but make sure he has fun?
I invited my crush to go swimming with me and now Im having a breakdown?
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