Guys, if you said ttyl to a gal how long should she wait to text you?

I am just wondering here this guy and I use to date and we are still have remained close. He said to me over text (as he has been very busy with work as he works in the trades) he had to go back to work :( ttyl
how long should I wait to contact him again should I send him a surprise call next Sunday or sometime next week, instead of a text?
and why would he still want pictures of me? Does he miss me, and that's why he is still wanting pictures of me? (And he still comments on them)
and this week he told me this past week that we should go on a getaway in a couple of weeks, when is a couple of weeks from this week? And he then said we'll figure it out soon. Should I ask him about it and ask him when did he want to go?
Thanks in advance for all your replies.
Guys, if you said ttyl to a gal how long should she wait to text you?
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