I'm 13, should I be aloud to date? Is my mom too strict and/or pushy? Is my stepmom mentally abusive? Should I feel bad for lying to my parents?

I am a 13 year old girl and I want to date, or at least be able to have friends of the opposite sex!!

I have had to grow up fast due to the past and I think I am pretty mature. I get good grades and I have never sneaked out or done anything bad, but my parents won't let me have friends of the opposite sex let alone date one. Keep in mind my parents are lesbians and they are really strict and pushy.

If I ever talked about hanging out with one of my guy friends at school she would freak out and yell at me or laugh at me. One time she even went to my school to volunteer for a "Social" (A school party with games that the teacher make) and she went around and asked all my friends to show her where my crush was. I'M 13! I should be aloud to have a crush, but she just made fun of how he looked saying "He's so weird looking."

She is so childish and rude, she always laughs at me and makes fun of me and there isn't a way for me to get out. My step mom is mentally abusive. I have 3 moms, My biological mom, my mom who "Adopted me" and her wife, The wife of the one who "adopted me" told me one time when I got a letter saying I was college bound, she said: "I don't even know why you want to go to college, You're never gonna make it, you should just become a slut like your mom (Biological mom, who is by the way not a slut but a very kind person.) but then again nobody would want you." I don't know what to do anymore.

Because my parents keep me so isolated I lied and started dating one of my friends from school. I've known him for three years but we went back to being friends after a couple months so I don't get in trouble and because it was too hard not seeing each other over the summer vacation, and not being able to do anything that normal couples do.

I don't even feel bad cause they isolate me and make me depressed. I don't know what to do! Please help!
I'm 13, should I be aloud to date? Is my mom too strict and/or pushy? Is my stepmom mentally abusive? Should I feel bad for lying to my parents?
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