If the Earth really is flat, then how to you account for:
1. The fact that south of the equator it is now autumn and will soon be winter, but up north it's the opposite.
2. How do you account for the different stars and constellations that are seen where I live, in Australia? Can you people see the Southern Cross constellation, those of you who live far north of the equator?
3. What lies beneath the flat Earth, and how far does that extend?
4. How do you account for night and day? I mean, if the sun is just up there somewhere, hovering around, would we see it all the time? Does it go under the Earth?
5. How do navigation systems like Galileo, Glonass and GPS work, if they don't use satellites?
6. How do you account for eclipses. You know, these things -I think six questions should be enough, even though there are so many more I could ask. If anyone here who believes the Earth to be flat can successfully answer just ONE of these questions, I'll reconsider my position. :)
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